eBay feedback is an eBay seller's best tool for instilling trust with your potential buyer. The higher the eBay feedback score, the more likely that the buyer will trust you. Buyers put their trust in sellers with the hopes of receiving exactly what they purchased. So what exactly do they look for?
Potential buyers first look to see what experiences others have had through the seller's eBay feedback page. They look for speed of shipment, whether the seller actually communicates with their customers, if the previous buyers are happy with the quality of the products, and most importantly, what negative comments are left for the seller. Buyers look at this so they can get an idea of what to expect if they decide to move forward with the transaction.
With that it mind, it should go without saying that you should take great care in preserving your eBay feedback score. And you do this by doing three simple things:
1. Give them what they want. Be as descriptive as you can in your listings, so when they open their package from you they know exactly what they're getting. Probably the most common complaint by buyers is that the product was not as described. This is the easiest way to receive negative eBay feedback.
2. Provide exceptional customer service. This means replying to all customer inquiries in a pleasant and timely fashion, and letting your buyer know when they will be receiving their item. Customers like being in the know, and you want to make the buying experience easy and enjoyable.
3. Deliver items quickly. Ship the product out within two business days. While purchasing on eBay can be equated to purchasing through mail order, you want to be sure to exceed your customers' expectations by providing fast shipment.
Doing these three things will ensure an eBay feedback score you can be proud of. As more and more buyers trust you, your feedback continues to build, which in turn leads to even greater trust, and that translates into sales. And the cycle continues.
Your sales are directly affected by your eBay feedback score. It is a testimonial to the way others perceive you, your products and your business. The bottom line is this, take care of your customers, and they will take care of you.
Potential buyers first look to see what experiences others have had through the seller's eBay feedback page. They look for speed of shipment, whether the seller actually communicates with their customers, if the previous buyers are happy with the quality of the products, and most importantly, what negative comments are left for the seller. Buyers look at this so they can get an idea of what to expect if they decide to move forward with the transaction.
With that it mind, it should go without saying that you should take great care in preserving your eBay feedback score. And you do this by doing three simple things:
1. Give them what they want. Be as descriptive as you can in your listings, so when they open their package from you they know exactly what they're getting. Probably the most common complaint by buyers is that the product was not as described. This is the easiest way to receive negative eBay feedback.
2. Provide exceptional customer service. This means replying to all customer inquiries in a pleasant and timely fashion, and letting your buyer know when they will be receiving their item. Customers like being in the know, and you want to make the buying experience easy and enjoyable.
3. Deliver items quickly. Ship the product out within two business days. While purchasing on eBay can be equated to purchasing through mail order, you want to be sure to exceed your customers' expectations by providing fast shipment.
Doing these three things will ensure an eBay feedback score you can be proud of. As more and more buyers trust you, your feedback continues to build, which in turn leads to even greater trust, and that translates into sales. And the cycle continues.
Your sales are directly affected by your eBay feedback score. It is a testimonial to the way others perceive you, your products and your business. The bottom line is this, take care of your customers, and they will take care of you.