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The 20 Best Comedy Podcasts

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11. Comedy Death Ray

This weekly show is hosted by another "Mr. Show" veteran, Scott Aukerman. Like Jimmy Pardo's "Never Not Funny", this show has only one goal: laughs. And presumably killing you with them, given its title. To this end, Aukerman brings along the funniest people he can find, including Zach Galifianakis, Michael Ian Black, and Sarah Silverman, among dozens of others. I listened to it; I'm not dead, but it was a close call.More »

12. Fitzdog Radio

Comedian Greg Fitzsimmons hosts this somewhat-more-than-weekly show, an "overtime" recording of his regular gig on Howard Stern's Sirius XM station. The podcast is about half the length of most talk-based podcasts at thirty minutes to an hour long, but it's free, and it's not a contest. Being loosely affiliated with Howard Stern, the show is as devastatingly honest as you might expect.More »

13. Judge John Hodgman

Daily Show commentator, author and sometimes-actor John Hodgman hosts this mock courtroom show, in which ridiculous disputes are resolved by the only man capable of distorting his intellect enough to unravel them. Judge Judy's not gonna tell you exactly what makes a room a "den" or whether machine guns qualify as robots, so basically you'd have to be a huge dumbass to listen to her over Judge John.More »

14. How Did This Get Made?

Paul Scheer of "Human Giant" and "The League" is joined by a guest and his co-hosts as they attempt to parse the mind-blowing absurdity and awfulness of Hollywood's worst movies. As Hollywood isn't always adequately terrible, episodes are produced on an irregular schedule; ten episodes have premiered since December.More »

15. Funemployment Radio

Are you a person who doesn't work, and you're sick as hell of listening to people talking about working? "Oh, look at me, I have self-esteem and feel valuable to society!" Cram it, work-face. Hosts Greg Nibler and Sarah Dylan discuss things that the other 9% of us can relate to, like going to a strip club in the afternoon or drinking the afternoon or doing a podcast after drinking in the afternoon. Lot of afternoon stuff.More »

16. Risk!

Kevin Allison of The State hosts this storytelling show, "This American Life"'s mischievous cousin. The cousin that constantly swears in front of you even though you're only 11 and you're not even allowed to stay up late enough to watch "Frasier". Listen as comedians, writers and nobodies share shocking tales with a live audience. If they're not embarrassed, why should you be?More »

17. Keith and the Girl

This long-running podcast is heavy on volume, with about three episodes a week. Comedian Keith Malley and Girl/singer Chemda Khalili are a former couple (a la the White Stripes) that would probably be annoying to go to dinner with, what with the never shutting up, but that quality is actually desirable in a Podcast.More »

18. Stop Podcasting Yourself

Like podcasts, but looking for something more exotic and ethnic in a sea of American voices? Then you need to listen to this cleverly-named show, recorded in the far-off kingdom of Vancouver, British Columbia. Did you know there's a British Columbia now? I hear all their drug lords are exceedingly polite. It's the "Seinfeld" of podcasts; the hosts and their weekly guest turn the mundane into comedy.More »

19. Sklarbro Country

For those who have seen the Sklar Brothers' eccentric, bespectacled Comedy Central specials, it might come as a surprise that the twins' podcast has a healthy dose of sports mixed in with its comedy and pop culture. That can be good or bad, depending mostly on whether you like sports! And if you don't, what are you, a sissy?More »

20. The Nerdist

Geeky comedian Chris Hardwick, host of "Web Soup" on G4 and member of musical comedy duo Hard 'n Phirm, brings his show to the homes of his guests (because nerds are creepy like that) twice a week. The show is loosely structured and, as its name implies, often drifts towards more Melvinish subject matters, given Hardwick's personal interests.More »
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