Insurance Renters Insurance

Homeowners Insurance Policies For Different Types of Homes

No matter what the purpose of your home is, it is important to protect it and its contents with homeowners insurance policies.
There are various homeowners insurance policies designed for different types of homes.
Again, the most common home is used as permanent residence and most homeowners insurance policies are dedicated to this type of house.
These homeowners insurance policies usually have the most coverage options.
They protect the interior and exterior structures of the home including outdoor buildings such as sheds and swimming pools.
Most of them also cover most items found inside the house like appliances, furniture and other possessions of the homeowner that have significant value.
Other homeowners insurance policies are geared towards the protection of homes that are leased out to tenants.
In this case, the focus of the homeowners insurance policies is just the house itself and not the items inside which actually belong to the tenant and not to the homeowner.
If the homeowner owns some of the furniture found inside the house, these have to be listed down and may be covered by the homeowners insurance policies, pending approval of the insurance company.
Finally, there are the vacation houses that a person owns but only occupies maybe one or two months in a year.
During the rest of the year, these vacation homes are usually tended to by a caretaker and are not leased out.
If you have such a home, you should look at homeowners insurance policies that focus on vacant homes.
Regular homeowners insurance policies usually have a rule that if you leave your home unoccupied for more than 30 days, you will not be qualified to claim for losses or damage that have taken place after the 30 days.
In some more lenient policies, this is extended to 60 days.
However, with vacant home insurance policies, there is no such rule.
You can just visit your home twice a year and it will still be insured.
The catch is that if you want full coverage for your vacant vacation house, you will naturally be charged a more expensive premium amount.
An option you can take if you want to insure several houses is to go for the multiple-property Homeowner Insurance policies.
With these policies, your permanent home is usually insured as the primary property and the other houses are added as secondary properties.
You can actually save a considerable amount with these all-in-one deals rather than if you take out separate homeowners insurance policies for each of your homes.
If you own several homes though, you might need to take out at least one other separate plan since these multiple policies have a limit as to the number of secondary properties you are allowed to insure.
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