This should include foods that prevent the condition or help get lead of the symptoms of acid reflux.
Generally the causes are too much acid in the stomach which then refluxes into the esophagus.
To avoid having an acidic atmosphere in the stomach, one should always eat foods that are balanced in ph.
If you already have the condition, eating foods that bring the ph down is advisable.
Water should always be an acid reflux food.
This is because it is neutral in nature.
So it helps bring down the acidity in the stomach.
If your urine is dark yellow in color, you should realize that your water intake is way below the amount of water your body needs.
You are advised to always take an average of 6 to 8 glasses of water daily.
If you have the acid reflux disease more water intake is a plus.
Garlic should also be an acid reflux food.
Garlic is a natural antibiotic.
It therefore kills harmful bacteria in the stomach that raise the ph.
It should be crushed or chewed, not swallowed whole or cooked.
Magnesium should be an acid reflux food.
It is a base in nature therefore it reduces the ph in the stomach.
Our bodies cannot store magnesium yet its a very important substance in our bodies.
It is more important than calcium.
The good news is that it can be taken as a food supplement and there is no danger of overdosing since the body excretes all that it does not need.
Acid Reflux foods not to eat include caffeinated beverages, fatty foods, spicy foods and sugary foods.
A lot of seasoning in the acid reflux foods should be avoided.
So is alcohol and cigarettes/cigars.
Coffee whether decaffeinated or not should be avoided.
Generally the causes are too much acid in the stomach which then refluxes into the esophagus.
To avoid having an acidic atmosphere in the stomach, one should always eat foods that are balanced in ph.
If you already have the condition, eating foods that bring the ph down is advisable.
Water should always be an acid reflux food.
This is because it is neutral in nature.
So it helps bring down the acidity in the stomach.
If your urine is dark yellow in color, you should realize that your water intake is way below the amount of water your body needs.
You are advised to always take an average of 6 to 8 glasses of water daily.
If you have the acid reflux disease more water intake is a plus.
Garlic should also be an acid reflux food.
Garlic is a natural antibiotic.
It therefore kills harmful bacteria in the stomach that raise the ph.
It should be crushed or chewed, not swallowed whole or cooked.
Magnesium should be an acid reflux food.
It is a base in nature therefore it reduces the ph in the stomach.
Our bodies cannot store magnesium yet its a very important substance in our bodies.
It is more important than calcium.
The good news is that it can be taken as a food supplement and there is no danger of overdosing since the body excretes all that it does not need.
Acid Reflux foods not to eat include caffeinated beverages, fatty foods, spicy foods and sugary foods.
A lot of seasoning in the acid reflux foods should be avoided.
So is alcohol and cigarettes/cigars.
Coffee whether decaffeinated or not should be avoided.