Addiction; a word often used in a derogatory manor and one which is seen to be dirty, and as a result we frown upon and take pity among those who are enslaved by this state or those who are indeed addicted.
However should the barriers and patterns of our society restrict meanings of certain words? By definition an addiction is a compulsive behaviour that you cannot control or relinquish in spite of its destructive consequences.
Now can it be argued that the recreational activity of playing games consoles is an addiction? Well I argue that it can and it is thus meaning that the consequences of which are destructive; surley not? It is true to much gaming can cause arthritic pain to the thumb, cause shortshited (sightedness) and even bring on the perils of migraines!! Of course these are perfectly normal symptoms and could just as easily be obtained by wanking in a hot room with the lights off; nevertheless the evidence is there excessive gaming can be harmful however minuscule the side effects unless you play games for a living then i suppose you would consider them detrimental.
It began in the seventy's (The bloody seventy's) 1972 to be precise; a very clever man by the name of Ralph Baer ( had to be a fucking Ralph) came up with an ingenious invention the first ever video game console! It was called Magnavox odysey, commonly referred to as the 'odysey'.
However the success of this console however infinitive was not so grand but the aftermath of what was to come very much was and this failure of a success invention become the primitive mother of all consoles to come.
So what is it? Why do us Boys love our games? Well where to begin, it all started with most young to middle aged people of today with the Sega Mega drive; aha yes remember that ol bean (shit really wernt it) at the time it was amazing then of course along came the 64 by our friends at Nintendo; now we really were talking the rivalry was on a BAM! Along came the PlayStation and totally scoffed all the others up with a large gulp.
It had began childhood got cooler no longer did you pull the legs off insects but instead you could now blow aliens up with RPGs! The consoles were infectious getting in to every household until one day your nan would be telling you that shes recently had a Wii in her front lounge making a change from hers usual wees in the lounge.
Gaming is amazing and male bonding now thrives on it; theres nothing like having the lads round with a takeaway a few beers and a good old shoot em up while pumping out the tunes.
However it doesn't have to be used only as a social tool, oh no get your self a nice campaign game and you can totally immerse yourself in another world for hours in the comfort of your own home does the word HALO ring any bells? All I can say is this if gaming is a harmful addiction then I'm a full blown fucking addict and I love it and so should you! So be proud fellow gamers because in the end when the Apocalypse is upon us we will be safe in the knowledge that it was all totally worth it!!!!
However should the barriers and patterns of our society restrict meanings of certain words? By definition an addiction is a compulsive behaviour that you cannot control or relinquish in spite of its destructive consequences.
Now can it be argued that the recreational activity of playing games consoles is an addiction? Well I argue that it can and it is thus meaning that the consequences of which are destructive; surley not? It is true to much gaming can cause arthritic pain to the thumb, cause shortshited (sightedness) and even bring on the perils of migraines!! Of course these are perfectly normal symptoms and could just as easily be obtained by wanking in a hot room with the lights off; nevertheless the evidence is there excessive gaming can be harmful however minuscule the side effects unless you play games for a living then i suppose you would consider them detrimental.
It began in the seventy's (The bloody seventy's) 1972 to be precise; a very clever man by the name of Ralph Baer ( had to be a fucking Ralph) came up with an ingenious invention the first ever video game console! It was called Magnavox odysey, commonly referred to as the 'odysey'.
However the success of this console however infinitive was not so grand but the aftermath of what was to come very much was and this failure of a success invention become the primitive mother of all consoles to come.
So what is it? Why do us Boys love our games? Well where to begin, it all started with most young to middle aged people of today with the Sega Mega drive; aha yes remember that ol bean (shit really wernt it) at the time it was amazing then of course along came the 64 by our friends at Nintendo; now we really were talking the rivalry was on a BAM! Along came the PlayStation and totally scoffed all the others up with a large gulp.
It had began childhood got cooler no longer did you pull the legs off insects but instead you could now blow aliens up with RPGs! The consoles were infectious getting in to every household until one day your nan would be telling you that shes recently had a Wii in her front lounge making a change from hers usual wees in the lounge.
Gaming is amazing and male bonding now thrives on it; theres nothing like having the lads round with a takeaway a few beers and a good old shoot em up while pumping out the tunes.
However it doesn't have to be used only as a social tool, oh no get your self a nice campaign game and you can totally immerse yourself in another world for hours in the comfort of your own home does the word HALO ring any bells? All I can say is this if gaming is a harmful addiction then I'm a full blown fucking addict and I love it and so should you! So be proud fellow gamers because in the end when the Apocalypse is upon us we will be safe in the knowledge that it was all totally worth it!!!!