- TurboTax is a simple tax return software from Intuit, the company responsible for the Quickbooks accounting software. TurboTax is available as a pay-for application or is available online for free. TurboTax software fully integrates with Quickbooks, so if you are a user of the accounting software all of your financial info is easily transferred to TurboTax for quick filing. TurboTax can import W-2 information directly from a large amount of national employers and provides free technical support to their customers.
- TaxAct is a free tax software for federal tax returns. TaxAct allows you to electronically file your tax returns through the software for free, examine your deductions and provides free online tutorials. If there is a error in the calculation of your tax return then TaxAct will pay any fines. TaxAct also has pay for editions that allow you to file your state taxes as well. TaxAct supports the 1040, 1040A and 1040EZ tax returns. TaxAct also provides support for completing your FAFSA applications.
- If you want a high-powered tax software, then UltraTax CS is an effective pay for option. UltraTax CS is produced by Thomson Reuters and is geared towards accountants and tax preparers. UltraTax has integrated electronic filing for tax processing and has forms for all state taxes. UltraTax CS also has a Planner that allows you to create professional correspondence and invoices with tax clients and helps you prepare a variety of tax strategies to save your clients money.