- Backpacking Gear
Backpacking equipment is used to be able to safely carry all of one's supplies and outdoor essentials for a backpacking excursion or day trip. Some of the most popular names in the backpacking and outdoors industry such as Patagonia, Gregory and Black Diamond design with the outdoor enthusiast in mind---with side mesh pockets and zippered pockets to hold items that are needed throughout the trip such as water, snacks and first aid supplies. Backpacks, trek poles, hiking boots, polarized sunglasses, water-resistant outerwear and sunglasses are some of the basic equipment needed for any backpacking trip. These items should be carried with the backpacker in order to prevent injury as well as provide necessities while being away from modern amenities. - Hiking
There are two different types of backpacks or hiking packs designed for the backpacking enthusiast: an attached and a detached backpack. The attached backpack is the most common of all hiking backpacks. It attaches to the body by straps and buckle supports that shift the weight of the backpack to provide adequate support of supplies, as well as enable stability and comfort. Detached backpacks work in the same manner as an attached backpack but are supported by a metal or nylon back rack or carrier in combination with a harness system that covers the shoulder area and waist. Unlike an attached pack, the detached version allows the backpacker to carry heavy equipment and bulkier supplies. It positions supplies from the middle to upper back. - Detached Backpack
When one purchases backpack equipment, she should consider how long the trip will be and how long she will carry the backpack and supplies. If the trip will be over a few hours and more supplies are needed--such as a tent, camp stove and food--a detached backpack would be able to hold the larger items one would normally have to carry. Detached backpacks are set up to be used when a backpacker has a heavy load and a lot of items needed for survival. Attached backpacks work well for smaller day trips or excursions in which an overnight stay isn't necessary. Attached backpacks fit comfortably on one's shoulders and are supported by the middle back. They're a great way to hold water, maps, non-perishable snacks and first aid items. - Rocky and wet terrain
Most hiking and backpacking excursions include climbing, hiking and walking in various kinds of terrain. This land can be rocky, wet, swampy, wooded, grass, sandy and gravel. Backpacking gear that is water resistant and clothing that allows the body to breathe will prevent rapid changes in body temperature, which are common when trekking through wet trails or areas with moderate snowfall. Neoprene clothing, rainwear, waterproof hiking boots and a change of clothes are essentials in keeping dry, safe and comfortable. - Hiker using topographic map
One should plan a packing list for his next hiking or backpacking trip to ensure he isn't caught without the bare necessities. Before packing, create a checklist and check off items as they are being placed into the backpack: tarps, topographic maps, insect repellent, sunglasses, snack and food items, fire starters, flashlights, two-way radios and water purifying tablets.
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