There is more than enough information available to help you jump higher to dunk, but sadly there is a lot of misguided information that will leave your legs and body feeling extremely tired, but your ability to jump higher completely non-existent.
Say goodbye to those useless training and workouts, and say hello to higher jumping ability because you are about to learn a simple secret that can dramatically change the outlook of your jumping ability for good! Most information available on the internet and articles tell you what to do, but they almost never tell you the most important part, and that's 'how to do it'.
When it comes to jumping higher, there is a huge difference between knowing what to do, and knowing how to do it, and here's the incredible secret to jumping higher so you can dunk harder.
No matter what workout you engage in to increase your vertical and start jumping higher, it is absolutely crucial and necessary that you focus on short-quick-explosive exercises and reps.
Before I reached my maximum jumping ability I made the huge mistake of working out for longer periods of time with the belief that my vertical will increase just because my jumping muscles were being worked.
The results I was left with was a loss of physical and mental energy, and a dying dream to explode in a Michael Jordan, Lebron James type fashion.
To avoid this, focus on short explosive and quick workouts.
Never sacrifice your full energy just so you are able to perform more reps.
The reps are not as important as you exerting yourself to your maximum capacity.
Say goodbye to those useless training and workouts, and say hello to higher jumping ability because you are about to learn a simple secret that can dramatically change the outlook of your jumping ability for good! Most information available on the internet and articles tell you what to do, but they almost never tell you the most important part, and that's 'how to do it'.
When it comes to jumping higher, there is a huge difference between knowing what to do, and knowing how to do it, and here's the incredible secret to jumping higher so you can dunk harder.
No matter what workout you engage in to increase your vertical and start jumping higher, it is absolutely crucial and necessary that you focus on short-quick-explosive exercises and reps.
Before I reached my maximum jumping ability I made the huge mistake of working out for longer periods of time with the belief that my vertical will increase just because my jumping muscles were being worked.
The results I was left with was a loss of physical and mental energy, and a dying dream to explode in a Michael Jordan, Lebron James type fashion.
To avoid this, focus on short explosive and quick workouts.
Never sacrifice your full energy just so you are able to perform more reps.
The reps are not as important as you exerting yourself to your maximum capacity.