Stay erect.
If these two words are what your partner often shouts at you when making love then you will want advice to actually make this happen.
Fortunately it is not as difficult as you may think.
Erectile dysfunction is a problem which is easily to deal with once you know how.
You should not have to put up with the embarrassment this causes once you understand the information contained within this article.
If drugs such as Viagra are not an option for you to keep your penis hard, then any of the following tips can be implemented for a natural solution: Stay erect through relaxation.
If you get overly excited before commencing the act of having sex then you may find it difficult to maintain an erect penis.
Often this is more of a problem when we are with a new partner.
Try to breathe calmly and focus on the task at hand.
Diet: Did you know that to be able to continuously keep your penis erect you will need to have good blood circulation.
If you do not have a nutritious diet then you will find there are greater problems related to your sexual ability.
There are certain foods and products which are known to promote blood circulation.
For example try adding more garlic to your diet; this could be the raw cloves or capsules.
Water: You need to keep your body's water level correct to maintain a strong firm penis.
But be aware that if you drink a lot of water before making love there will be extra pressure on the bladder which may lead to problems maintaining an erect member.
Smoking: Do you smoke? If you do then you do not need to be told that is a bad habit.
Many of us still smoke but wish we didn't.
Perhaps you do not realize that smoking can cause erectile dysfunction.
If you smoke and also drink alcohol then it will be much harder for your sexual organs to perform as desired.
If these two words are what your partner often shouts at you when making love then you will want advice to actually make this happen.
Fortunately it is not as difficult as you may think.
Erectile dysfunction is a problem which is easily to deal with once you know how.
You should not have to put up with the embarrassment this causes once you understand the information contained within this article.
If drugs such as Viagra are not an option for you to keep your penis hard, then any of the following tips can be implemented for a natural solution: Stay erect through relaxation.
If you get overly excited before commencing the act of having sex then you may find it difficult to maintain an erect penis.
Often this is more of a problem when we are with a new partner.
Try to breathe calmly and focus on the task at hand.
Diet: Did you know that to be able to continuously keep your penis erect you will need to have good blood circulation.
If you do not have a nutritious diet then you will find there are greater problems related to your sexual ability.
There are certain foods and products which are known to promote blood circulation.
For example try adding more garlic to your diet; this could be the raw cloves or capsules.
Water: You need to keep your body's water level correct to maintain a strong firm penis.
But be aware that if you drink a lot of water before making love there will be extra pressure on the bladder which may lead to problems maintaining an erect member.
Smoking: Do you smoke? If you do then you do not need to be told that is a bad habit.
Many of us still smoke but wish we didn't.
Perhaps you do not realize that smoking can cause erectile dysfunction.
If you smoke and also drink alcohol then it will be much harder for your sexual organs to perform as desired.