Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Deadliest eBay Sin Number 6 - Invisible Customer Service

Providing, promoting and practicing world class customer service is the secret of every successful businessman.
This is very true because no matter what your business is, customers would always look forward to the quality of service they expect to experience from you.
And if this is constantly done right, it will build customer trust and open the bridge to relationships that leads to an avalanche of repeat sales and rolodex referrals.
And everything will follow.
Customer service becomes deadly when you continue to ignore the needs of your customers.
This also creates an impression to the buyers that you are only after the sale which can result to no sales at all.
In fact, sin #6 is so deadly that just a small dosage of this lethal venom will wipe out customers and the future growth of your business like the plague.
That is why I find it totally shocking when sellers repeat this sin over and over again like a broken record player.
I mean after all the hard work they did to get their business to the point of making a sale, they now turnaround and deliberately sabotage it.
Here is what I mean...
sellers poison their customers by injecting invisible customer service.
In other words, sellers do not understand that you must serve your customers first with your heart and not your bank account in order to have a wildly successful business that self perpetuates day after day.
Instead, it is almost like they only want to do business strictly on their terms by practicing in touch but out of reach methods.
They have this false perception that providing, promoting and practicing customer service is not important and that you can build a successful business without any.
(I know there is a good book out there that says "In order to be great among many you must first learn to serve").
The truth is, sellers never see past the initial sale to realize that providing, promoting and practicing world class customer service will unlock the vault of customer trust and build the bridge to relationships that leads to an avalanche of repeat sales and rolodex referrals.
Let me ask you a question...
Have you ever purchased something off of eBay (or anywhere else for that matter) only to be frustrated that the seller would not answer your emails, return your phone calls or acknowledge that you even mattered to them the least little bit? Isn't that like one of the worst feelings in the world to know that you trusted them to help you out with your hard earned money but their goal of doing business with you was only to help themselves out? It kind of makes you feel cheated, lied too or taken advantage of doesn't it? You see, today more than ever in the history of business, customers are crying out from the store fronts saying...
Do you really care about my needs? Will you take care of me after I purchase? Will you be there for me if I have any problems? Will I get to talk to a real person or will you avoid me? And to the person who can answer these questions through providing, promoting and practicing world class customer service will unlock the vault of customer trust and build the bridge to relationships that leads to an avalanche of repeat sales and rolodex referrals.
I know that was a lot to take in on one paragraph so feel free to read it again and again.
Actually read it three or four times.
There is enough fat there to choke a couple of mules.
Here is the bottom line.
It still amazes me that sellers want to start an eBay business, create boatloads of money and retire happily ever after without ever once speaking to or taking care of a single person.
What they do not understand though is that people are the only ones in the world who have money.
And if you want them to spend their hard earned money with you then you need to provide, promote and practice world class customer service with them.
And do not be shy about promoting it either.
Here is why...
"If you do not promote your customer service like the plague...
your competition will"!
So make sure you let them know how you will be there for them before, during and long after the sale.
And give them an upfront taste of what your world class customer service is like with several ways to contact you before they buy.
This unlocks the vault of trust which reassures them that they are making the right decision purchasing from you.
Remind them of your guarantee and share with them that if they have any problems with your product that you personally will be the one that takes care of it for them.
Tell them how you will be taking care of them and that they will be speaking with a real person.
Communicate to them that your goal is to build a trustworthy relationship with them first, not your bank account!
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