- 1). Stop any activities that cause the elbow pain. The most effective way to alleviate tennis elbow pain is to rest the arm. Activities such as hammering, grasping and lifting heavy objects or raking leaves need to stop.
- 2). Start by treating the elbow with an ice pack two to three times per day for 15 to 20 minutes each time. This will help with the pain or any swelling.
- 3). Take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication. Follow the directions on the packaging for the recommended dosage.
- 1). Place a tennis ball three or four inches on the outer side of the elbow. Using your body, press against the wall putting pressure on the arm muscles near the elbow.
- 2). Roll the tennis ball up and down the elbow several times while applying pressure. This will massage the area and help to relieve the pain and release any tension. This should be performed two or three times each day.
- 3). Finish with an ice massage. Freeze water in a paper cup. Take the cup and with circular motions, give your elbow an ice-massage treatment. This is great for relieving the pain and reducing any swelling.
- 1). Make an appointment with an orthopedic doctor.
- 2). Consult with the doctor to see if having a cortisone injection would be appropriate for your elbow pain.
- 3). Schedule to have a cortisone injection if recommended by the orthopedic doctor. This is only a temporary solution, allowing you to be pain free in order to continue activities and start a strengthening program.
- 1). Purchase a portable ultrasound device. The average cost for an a good ultrasound device is $100 to $200 dollars. This will allow you to treat yourself in the convenience of your own home.
- 2). Read the instructions to obtain a full understanding of how to use the portable ultrasound device.
- 3). Give yourself ultrasound treatments two or three each day. The sessions should last for 5 to 10 minutes. This will increase blood flow to the area, and the sound waves will cause vibration of the soft tissues of the arm helping to relieve the pain and promote healing.
Rest, Ice and Pain Medication
Self-Massage Technique
Cortisone Injection
Ultrasound Treatment