Business & Finance Shopping

Summer Infant Video Baby Monitor - Peace of Mind on Sale

If you are considering a Summer infant video baby monitor for your family, you will find this article helpful for two specific reasons.
You will know that you have made the right decision.
You will also find help locating the monitor at a great price.
Why is this monitor your best choice? As a parent, I can say that I absolutely would not be without this baby monitor.
We will discuss several attributes to this monitor.
  • Sound: The clarity is great.
    You can adjust the sound to hear every single breath to just crying.
    When I say every breath, I mean it.
    It picks up so clearly that you can even hear your little angel breathing.
    How great is that for a new mom!
  • Video: Of course the video is the big plus for this monitor.
    It is not just a fuzzy picture of something that resembles your baby.
    It is a clear color picture.
    In night mode, it is a black and white picture, though still very clear.
    You can see every move your child makes.
    It also has an auto-shut off mode for the video image to save the battery life.
  • Range: The range is 350 feet, which is amazing.
    I can go outside and play with my other child or work in the flower beds and still see and hear our baby.
    I don't have to run in every few minutes to look in on her.
    It makes life so much easier.
  • Lightweight and portable: The device is very light and you can carry it anywhere around your home.
    It also has an adapter to plug it in to save battery life.
All in all, the Summer infant video baby monitor has been one of the best products we have ever purchased for our family.
It helps bring such peace of mind and helps free me to do other things while my baby is sleeping.
Even if she is playing and I need to go to another room, I can still see her without disturbing her.
Trust me, if my baby is calm, I do not disturb her! I would love to be able to sit and watch my baby 24/7, but at our home, it is just not possible all the time.
I am sure it is this way with most people.
That does not mean that you cannot be super protective and cautious.
Where to get a good deal I searched several places before buying this video monitor.
There are some places that offer better prices than others, but then you still have to consider shipping.
For me, it was better to go with a reputable company where I knew who I was buying from.
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