The world of illustration and design can be fun, but it's also a dedicated craft that requires a healthy amount of skill in order to separate yourself from the other designers out there.
If you've been waiting to break into this industry but wanted to cut your learning curve down, this article will show you how to learn design online effectively and comprehensively.
Here are 10 tips to follow: 1.
Check out comprehensive blogs that teach design.
Blogs like LearnDesignOnline.
com don't only teach you the basics; they go a step further and tell you what it's like to live in the graphic design industry and review the technology that will keep you there.
Run an 80/20 analysis on what you need to do.
In any given field, it's possible to focus on the critical few things ("the 20%") that have the most effect ("80%") on your results.
Run an 80/20 analysis for yourself - what do you really need to focus on to break into the design industry? Do you really need business cards right now, or can your time be better spent elsewhere? 3.
Focus on a select few software platforms.
Sure, it'd be nice to be a master at every program in the Adobe Creative Suite, but that will take a whole lot of time.
With the 80/20 idea in mind, focus on the ones that interest you the most, and become very good at using these programs.
You'll avoid spreading yourself too thin.
Model what others have done.
Find blogs written by people who have made it in the design industry and read their advice, looking to model what they've done.
You don't necessarily need to copy all of their strategies, but you should at least keep in mind what they say are common rookie mistakes.
Why? So that you don't make them! 5.
Write what you learn down.
Yeah, we live in a paperless world these days, but there's something to be said for a good old-fashioned pencil and a piece of paper.
Take notes, even from your computer, as this often helps you remember what you've learned.
If you want to learn design in a hurry, it will help if what you learn actually sticks! 6.
Get working.
You can't learn only by reading.
Yeah, you can figure some things out that way, but without real-world experience, there's no way to tell what you're actually capable of.
So even if you don't have a graphic design job, try Googling random web sites and re-designing company logos for free.
You may even considering sending these companies your designs and telling them that they're on the house if you can put them in your portfolio! 7.
Don't be afraid to make mistakes.
Making mistakes is basically vital to success: if you don't know where not to go, then you probably don't know where to go, either.
Making mistakes and learning from them is how you can learn in a hurry, and definitely a way to get a leg up on the other people who aren't learning from theirs.
If you want to learn design online, you have to be okay with making a mistake every once in a while.
Treat learning like a business.
It's one thing to read a blog that teaches you how to learn design online while on your lunch break at work.
It's another thing to plan a schedule for learning, develop an action plan for incorporating what you've learned, and executing that plan.
Treat your learning like a business and you'll have more accountable results.
Skip what doesn't apply to you.
If you're reading a graphic design book that teaches about some form of illustration you have no interest in, maybe it will serve you best to go ahead and skip it.
Similarly, if you're looking to learn design online, you can often skip what doesn't apply to you in order to get to the meat of what you want to learn.
Don't be afraid to ask for help.
Generally, you should rely on yourself, but finding others to help you can be crucial, so don't be afraid to ask for help on forums or blog comments, as you may find you learn something very useful from the answer.
If you've been waiting to break into this industry but wanted to cut your learning curve down, this article will show you how to learn design online effectively and comprehensively.
Here are 10 tips to follow: 1.
Check out comprehensive blogs that teach design.
Blogs like LearnDesignOnline.
com don't only teach you the basics; they go a step further and tell you what it's like to live in the graphic design industry and review the technology that will keep you there.
Run an 80/20 analysis on what you need to do.
In any given field, it's possible to focus on the critical few things ("the 20%") that have the most effect ("80%") on your results.
Run an 80/20 analysis for yourself - what do you really need to focus on to break into the design industry? Do you really need business cards right now, or can your time be better spent elsewhere? 3.
Focus on a select few software platforms.
Sure, it'd be nice to be a master at every program in the Adobe Creative Suite, but that will take a whole lot of time.
With the 80/20 idea in mind, focus on the ones that interest you the most, and become very good at using these programs.
You'll avoid spreading yourself too thin.
Model what others have done.
Find blogs written by people who have made it in the design industry and read their advice, looking to model what they've done.
You don't necessarily need to copy all of their strategies, but you should at least keep in mind what they say are common rookie mistakes.
Why? So that you don't make them! 5.
Write what you learn down.
Yeah, we live in a paperless world these days, but there's something to be said for a good old-fashioned pencil and a piece of paper.
Take notes, even from your computer, as this often helps you remember what you've learned.
If you want to learn design in a hurry, it will help if what you learn actually sticks! 6.
Get working.
You can't learn only by reading.
Yeah, you can figure some things out that way, but without real-world experience, there's no way to tell what you're actually capable of.
So even if you don't have a graphic design job, try Googling random web sites and re-designing company logos for free.
You may even considering sending these companies your designs and telling them that they're on the house if you can put them in your portfolio! 7.
Don't be afraid to make mistakes.
Making mistakes is basically vital to success: if you don't know where not to go, then you probably don't know where to go, either.
Making mistakes and learning from them is how you can learn in a hurry, and definitely a way to get a leg up on the other people who aren't learning from theirs.
If you want to learn design online, you have to be okay with making a mistake every once in a while.
Treat learning like a business.
It's one thing to read a blog that teaches you how to learn design online while on your lunch break at work.
It's another thing to plan a schedule for learning, develop an action plan for incorporating what you've learned, and executing that plan.
Treat your learning like a business and you'll have more accountable results.
Skip what doesn't apply to you.
If you're reading a graphic design book that teaches about some form of illustration you have no interest in, maybe it will serve you best to go ahead and skip it.
Similarly, if you're looking to learn design online, you can often skip what doesn't apply to you in order to get to the meat of what you want to learn.
Don't be afraid to ask for help.
Generally, you should rely on yourself, but finding others to help you can be crucial, so don't be afraid to ask for help on forums or blog comments, as you may find you learn something very useful from the answer.