Since starting her training and consulting business in 1993, Dr. Barbara Brown has helped dozens of organizations maximize employee performance. She specializes in high-performance leadership, showing managers how to promote greater performance by linking performance to results.
Dr. Brown has a Ph.D. in Human Development from Virginia Polytechnic University. She has taught leadership development courses at Johns Hopkins University, Virginia Polytechnic University, and the University of Maryland.
Dr. Brown has also taught various management courses at the University of Virginia and at several colleges.
Dr. Brown has created a series of handbooks that emphasize managing for results. Some titles include:
- Linking Customer Service To Results
- Linking Time Management To Results
- Linking Workload Management To Results
- Linking Interpersonal Communication To Results
- Linking Problem Solving To Results
Dr. Brown has delivered seminars and workshops to thousands of individuals. She offers high-performance leadership workshops for new managers, mid-level managers, and senior executives. Three of her more popular workshops are:
- Managing For Results
- Creating A High-Performance Workforce
- Leadership Strategies That Inspire A “Big Picture” Commitment
Some of Dr. Brown’s clients include the Department of Defense, Department of Agriculture, Department of Transportation, Department of Treasury, Department of Commerce, United States Coast Guard, State of Maryland, DC Government, American Red Cross, Arthritis Foundation, DynCorp, and the DC Water and Sewer Authority.
She has worked with 32 Federal government agencies, five State government agencies, ten private companies, seven associations, and eight universities and colleges.
Visit Dr. Brown's Web site: Link to Results or email her for additional information.
Published at Human Resources