Health & Medical: Reduce High Blood Pressure - Why We Need to Lose Weight

Reduce High Blood Pressure - Why We Need to Lose Weight

If we want to reduce our high blood pressure, we have to control our weight.It has long been recognised that having a bulging waistline is linked to our hypertension. The more we are overweight, the greater the risks to our health. Discover my top tips for losing weight safely and reducing your high

Health & Medical: Can A Silent Stroke Cause Early Dementia?

Can A Silent Stroke Cause Early Dementia?

Silent strokes are nearly four or five times more common than full blown strokes, and yet, many people have never heard of them. Often, however, they are an indication of underlying cardiovascular problems.

Health & Medical: High Blood Pressure Signs And Symptoms

High Blood Pressure Signs And Symptoms

High blood pressure signs and symptoms are not always readily apparent. Known sometimes as the silent killer, high blood pressure, or hypertension, often affects people without any symptoms manifesting at all. Alternatively, one may feel signs that are insignificant enough that the person feeling th

Health & Medical: Is a Headache a Symptom of High Blood Pressure?

Is a Headache a Symptom of High Blood Pressure?

While headache is a possible symptom for high blood pressure, the condition often has no symptoms even when it reaches dangerously high levels. So it's wise to be informed of the risks, have your blood pressure checked regularly and practice a heart-healthy lifestyle.

Health & Medical: How to Use a Blood Pressure Chart

How to Use a Blood Pressure Chart

Blood pressure is the actual pressure with which blood passes into the heart and is pumped out. Of course, in full analysis, it involves all internal organs. There is a maximum pressure phase and a minimum pressure phase; termed as systolic and diastolic phase.

Health & Medical: Be on Guard of Your Health - Monitor Your High Blood Pressure Level

Be on Guard of Your Health - Monitor Your High Blood Pressure Level

High Blood Pressure, commonly known as hypertension is the major cause of stroke and heart attacks. This has to be prevented as early as possible because this may cause damages to your kidney, blood vessels, heart, eyes and organs. People who are diagnosed with high blood pressure should always moni

Health & Medical: How To Identify The Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure

How To Identify The Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure

Wondering if you are suffering from symptoms of high blood pressure? Well, you have stumbled upon the right article, as here we are discussing the symptoms associated with high blood pressure and how you can control them to lead a healthy, risk-free life. Some of the very common symptoms include pou

Health & Medical: Natural Cure For High Blood Pressure - Here's What You Need to Know

Natural Cure For High Blood Pressure - Here's What You Need to Know

Is there really a natural cure for high blood pressure?After all, many folks have trouble dealing with the unpleasant side effects of prescription blood pressure drugs. Men, especially, have to deal with problems like impotence. But there's also insomnia, fatigue, bowel issues, cramps, mood swi

Health & Medical: A Beginners Guide to Understanding Blood Pressure

A Beginners Guide to Understanding Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is definitely a symptom of stress. It's also a symptom of many other things, but do you really know what those numbers mean that your doctor tells you after you get your blood pressure taken? This article will cover what those numbers mean about your health, and some changes

Health & Medical: High Blood Pressure Remedies - Will Lifestyle Safely Replace Drugs?

High Blood Pressure Remedies - Will Lifestyle Safely Replace Drugs?

Can high blood pressure medications be replaced by natural remedies? Actually the American Heart Association would prefer lifestyle changes to drugs. If you are going to manage your condition naturally, then you need a plan. Check out the article and get your heart health organized.

Health & Medical: Blood Pressure Monitor - How Does a Blood Pressure Monitor Work?

Blood Pressure Monitor - How Does a Blood Pressure Monitor Work?

A Blood pressure monitor for home use is a pretty easy thing to understand. Most home used blood pressure monitors are digital devices and operate with very simple instructions. Digital BP monitors consist of a cuff and a gauge that records the pressure. The cuff automatically inflates at the touch

Health & Medical: Atherosclerosis and High Blood Pressure

Atherosclerosis and High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a major cause of atherosclerosis, the artery-clogging process that leads to heart attacks and strokes. Find out more.