Yeast infections are caused by yeast fungus commonly known as Candida albicans.
Candida albicans occur naturally in most parts of the human's body including mouth, gut, vagina, anus and penis under favorable conditions.
However, when the natural balance is disrupted, Candida multiplies rapidly and causes yeast infections known as candidiasis.
Male yeast infections can occur due to having unprotected sex with women already suffering from yeast infections.
Since the foreskin of the male's penis can hold more moisture, it is bound to retain the yeast which is transmitted through sexual intercourse.
Another major cause of candidiasis is prolonged use of antibiotics.
Antibiotics are used to inhibit the growth of bad bacteria in our body but it also destroys the good bacteria which are responsible for keeping yeast fungus under controlled conditions.
When the good bacteria are killed, there's nothing to stop the overgrowth of yeast fungus and this overgrowth leads to yeast infections.
Men are usually advised to avoid leading a stressful life as stress is another major cause of yeast infection.
Stress disrupts the hormonal balance and yeast fungus takes advantage of this kind of environment in the body to multiply rapidly and cause infections.
Consumption of alcohol is also related to yeast infections.
Since alcohol contains yeast, it creates a fine environment for Candida to thrive and reproduce rapidly.
Therefore, men are often advised to limit their intake of alcohol.
Sweet and sugary foods also provide a breeding ground for yeast fungus and diabetic males are highly susceptible to yeast infections as they always have elevated blood sugar levels.
Male yeast infection symptoms include soreness, itching, development of white patches on their genital regions, painful sexual intercourse and burning sensation while urinating.
The most serious kind of male yeast infection is when the infection occurs in the gut which eventually perforates the linings of the intestine and the yeast fungus makes their way into the bloodstream.
Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor when you experience symptoms of yeast infection so that you can find out the cause of the infection and the ways in which you can get rid of the infection.
Moreover eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables will help you to maintain your health.
Candida albicans occur naturally in most parts of the human's body including mouth, gut, vagina, anus and penis under favorable conditions.
However, when the natural balance is disrupted, Candida multiplies rapidly and causes yeast infections known as candidiasis.
Male yeast infections can occur due to having unprotected sex with women already suffering from yeast infections.
Since the foreskin of the male's penis can hold more moisture, it is bound to retain the yeast which is transmitted through sexual intercourse.
Another major cause of candidiasis is prolonged use of antibiotics.
Antibiotics are used to inhibit the growth of bad bacteria in our body but it also destroys the good bacteria which are responsible for keeping yeast fungus under controlled conditions.
When the good bacteria are killed, there's nothing to stop the overgrowth of yeast fungus and this overgrowth leads to yeast infections.
Men are usually advised to avoid leading a stressful life as stress is another major cause of yeast infection.
Stress disrupts the hormonal balance and yeast fungus takes advantage of this kind of environment in the body to multiply rapidly and cause infections.
Consumption of alcohol is also related to yeast infections.
Since alcohol contains yeast, it creates a fine environment for Candida to thrive and reproduce rapidly.
Therefore, men are often advised to limit their intake of alcohol.
Sweet and sugary foods also provide a breeding ground for yeast fungus and diabetic males are highly susceptible to yeast infections as they always have elevated blood sugar levels.
Male yeast infection symptoms include soreness, itching, development of white patches on their genital regions, painful sexual intercourse and burning sensation while urinating.
The most serious kind of male yeast infection is when the infection occurs in the gut which eventually perforates the linings of the intestine and the yeast fungus makes their way into the bloodstream.
Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor when you experience symptoms of yeast infection so that you can find out the cause of the infection and the ways in which you can get rid of the infection.
Moreover eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables will help you to maintain your health.