Health & Medical Men's Health

Shaving With Olive Oil, a Good Alternative?

Believe it or not, shaving with olive oil is more than a legitimate alternative to other shaving methods, some even say it's the best shaving solution out there.
The truth is we've been brainwashed in one way or another, into believing shaving creams or gels, are the only solution for our shaving needs, and if not the only solution, we tend to rank them as being the number one option available, but the truth is that shaving with olive oil, especially for those of us with sensitive skin, is quite possibly the best way to shave.
First of all, It's inexpensive, as only a few drops are enough for each shave, this means that a bottle expensive as it may seem, will last for a very very long time, thus save a lot of money.
It's a natural lubricant that leaves your moist throughout the shave, and after, unlike other methods of shaving that dry your skin and force you to use an expensive after shave, it will send the aftershave to early retirement retire, and leave your skin healthy and smooth.
Finally, it allows you to see exactly what you're shaving while you're shaving, which definitely helps you keep an eye on the shaving process and avoid cuts and rashes.
It is crucial that if you decide to start using olive oil, you purchase one that is natural and hasn't been processed with unhealthy chemicals, or else it would not have the effect you desire.
I highly recommend using the Extra Virgin brand.
What you'll need: - Prepare a bowl or a cup of some sort, olive oil, and a razor.
  • Begin the process by taking a warm shower.
  • Pour a very small amount of olive oil into your bowl or cup.
  • Put your fingers into the cup with the oil.
  • Rub your fingers on the area you want to shave using your middle finger and index.
  • Start shaving the area, and repeat the process in other areas.
    Use more oil in the areas that the hair growth is larger.
  • If you feel your skin has dried a bit, you can put a few more drops of olive oil after the shave.
  • Keep your razor placed in the cup or bowl with olive oil, this will help keep it in good shape.
I hope that by now, you've learned that there are other options out there, and you feel ready to give olive oil a shot as a serious alternative.
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