Health & Medical Men's Health

Avoid Premature Ejaculation For Good

If you're looking for tips on how to avoid premature ejaculation for good then you came to the right place.
It's an embarrassing situation and the good news is it can be avoided so read on! A mistake that a lot of PE do is that they don't relax and breathe.
The foreplay and physical action takes some air out of your body and you need to breathe slowly to relax.
By being too excited, nervous and anxious, you are preparing yourself for failure.
Here's what you can do.
After penetration, feel the sensation and enjoy the feeling.
Breathe slowly and relax.
Don't create friction just yet.
After you've settled in, you can now proceed into doing your thing.
Speaking of foreplay, you should always use it to your advantage.
Most of the time women crave it.
Ensure that you've spent enough time in foreplay before the main event.
Do not be too mechanical and go with the flow.
Be alert and sensitive to her reactions.
If you've found a sweet spot, focus on it for some time before moving on to another part of her body.
Communication is another key factor here and you should always ask her what she wants.
Another tip that will help your performance is to exercise regularly.
Studies show that regular exercise helps men mentally by giving them more confidence and increases their self esteem.
And of course, exercising helps in increasing a man's endurance which is perfect for those hour long sex marathons.
If you haven't heard of them yet, you should try doing Kegel exercises daily to increase ejaculatory control.
This is done by first finding how to flex your PC muscle.
You can do this by starting and stopping the flow of urine.
After determining your PC muscle, do 5 sets of flexing the muscle for 5 seconds and slowly releasing it.
It is recommended that you do this regularly because it also helps in protecting your body against prostate cancer.
Here's a quick tip to stop ejaculation: ask your partner to pull your testes away from your body giving it a tug when you're about to ejaculate.
This gives you extra control and delays ejaculation for a bit.
Following the ways in this article will help you avoid premature ejaculation and have an enjoyable sex life.
But it is not done easily because it requires strong discipline and commitment to do them every day.
All in all, it is well worth it and by doing them will give you more confidence and avoid embarrassment in the long run.
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