You are probably reading this because, like me, you are wondering what is Monavie RVL and why all of the buzz? I am not a MonaVie rep and am in no way affiliated with MonaVie.
I am a network marketer and am always on the lookout for what is happening in the industry.
MonaVie has been a leader in the functional beverage and network marketing industry since it's launch in 2005.
If you are not familiar with MonaVie let me give you a quick introduction.
Since the original MonaVie, now known as MonaVie Essential, six new products have been added to the MonaVie product line.
The MonaVie Product Overview on the company website promotes that the powerful antioxidant support of MonaVie's beneficial products provides to joints, heart and immune health are the nutrition you need for a healthy and active lifestyle.
All of this thanks to the açai berry which is at the foundation of the MonaVie blend of eighteen other beneficial fruits.
MonaVie has taken the steps to protect the signature ingredient by creating a groundbreaking complex now named AçaVie ? which utilizes a patent protected process to lock in vital nutrients.
Clearly this is a company with a solid belief in the products it produces as well as providing support for its distributors by giving them a patented product to sell.
MonaVie has now positioned themselves for the next big wave in the health industry and asks their future distributors: What have you been "Weighting" for? Enter MonaVie RVL, Reveal Your Best Self.
MonaVie's answer to Weight Management products.
With the statistics MonaVie provides such as: 77% of US adults 20+ are overweight (24-30 BMI) 78% have tried losing weight at least once 34% of these adults are Obese (30+ BMI) It is easy to see this is a market in demand and MonaVie distributors and future MonaVie distributors will have a Ground Floor Opportunity.
Those that missed the early days of the tremendous MonaVie Network Marketing growth will have their turn to be in the Right Place at the Right Time.
MonaVie RVL pre-launch begins Nov 2, 2010 and ends January 4, 2011.
During this time, while supplies last, the weight management products will be available for purchase to U.
and Canadian distributors who are active according to the MonaVie Compensation Plan.
MonaVie RVL boasts more nutrition per calorie than any other product on the market currently in the weight management category.
The containers for MonaVie RVL are not yet designated with the marketing logos, colors and text since this is the initial pre-launch phase.
There are three Weight Management products a Nutrition Shake, Dietary Supplement Capsules and Nutrition Snack Bars.
The plan is the traditional replace two meals and a snack with MonaVie RVL, eat a healthy dinner and exercise.
MonaVie has also designed a Weight Management Website as a tool to use with the plan that allows users to track meals and assist as a virtual counselor.
People are not often presented with second chances.
If you are a current MonaVie distributor or are doing your due diligence in researching to become a MonaVie distributor it is imperative you develop your marketing skills to capture this second chance.
Position yourself to be in the 3% of the network marketers that succeed.
Anyone can be successful in the network marketing industry, unfortunately 97% fail because they do not have a plan or the knowledge of the whole picture.
In order to succeed you must have a duplicable system.
In the MLM industry network marketers are being trained to be sales people.
Very few of us have the skills needed to build a large organization using the sales approach alone.
As with any business starting in today's economy, marketing skills and training skills will determine your success.
Simply joining MonaVie during this ground floor opportunity will not guarantee your success.
Your success is based on your ability to create a constant flow of high quality leads and teach them a system to do the same.
How can you do this? I had the same questions when I was getting started with network marketing.
As I mentioned in the beginning of this article I do not work with and am in no way affiliated with MonaVie however building any network marketing business takes many of the same tools and skills.
Like you, I was hungry for success and knew if other people out there were achieving success in Network Marketing there was no reason I could not do the same.
I researched and followed the training of many of the top producers out there and applied what they were teaching me to my style.
This is important because whatever you do to build your business it must be authentic to you.
Network marketing is all about relationships.
Number one in my list of how to run my business was to not ruin relationships I had with people.
Do my friends and family know what I do? Yes, you should tell people what you are doing just as you would with any job in conversation.
Do I repeatedly tell them over and over about why they should join me? No.
I love the companies I have chosen to work with and the opportunities they are giving me.
It is what make me tick but not necessarily everyone.
If you want to be successful in network marketing you need to work with others that believe in both the company and the business.
In addition they need to have the passion about it that you do.
Have some of my friends and family eventually asked me to tell them more about my business and how to get involved? Yes.
Anyone who has made millions of dollars in this industry starting at the ground level with no experience is there because they did not give up.
MonaVie reps, or any other direct selling company distributors, with success all started at the same place you and I did.
The difference between those that don't succeed and those of us that do is the commitment to their brand.
Not the companies' brand but their personal brand.
People will work with you because of what you can provide.
There are thousands of MonaVie distributors that someone looking to join MonaVie can enroll with.
If you want to truly succeed with MonaVie, or any network marketing business, you absolutely must have a system that those enrolling with you can reproduce.
New distributors will enroll with you because other MonaVie distributors do not have a system in place to teach them how to be in the 3% of network marketers making the large residual incomes and you do.
You not only offer the wonderful MonaVie product, you offer the solution to growing the MonaVie business.
MonaVie is giving you a second opportunity to join the coveted title of "Network Marketing Success Story" or even MLM Millionaire.
Do you want to be the Royal Black Diamond Executive? It isn't going to happen overnight but it can happen.
I am a true believer in the network marketing industry.
If you work with a company you are passionate about and treat it as a serious business you will succeed.
MonaVie is a very credible company with strong leaders, quality products and a generous comp plan.
Research and make a plan for the best way to grow your business.
Network marketing really will allow you to achieve financial success.
Those people that have achieved success are not just "lucky" and it is never to late.
What are you "Weighting" for? I would love to hear your thoughts! Leave a comment and let's talk about it.
I am a network marketer and am always on the lookout for what is happening in the industry.
MonaVie has been a leader in the functional beverage and network marketing industry since it's launch in 2005.
If you are not familiar with MonaVie let me give you a quick introduction.
Since the original MonaVie, now known as MonaVie Essential, six new products have been added to the MonaVie product line.
The MonaVie Product Overview on the company website promotes that the powerful antioxidant support of MonaVie's beneficial products provides to joints, heart and immune health are the nutrition you need for a healthy and active lifestyle.
All of this thanks to the açai berry which is at the foundation of the MonaVie blend of eighteen other beneficial fruits.
MonaVie has taken the steps to protect the signature ingredient by creating a groundbreaking complex now named AçaVie ? which utilizes a patent protected process to lock in vital nutrients.
Clearly this is a company with a solid belief in the products it produces as well as providing support for its distributors by giving them a patented product to sell.
MonaVie has now positioned themselves for the next big wave in the health industry and asks their future distributors: What have you been "Weighting" for? Enter MonaVie RVL, Reveal Your Best Self.
MonaVie's answer to Weight Management products.
With the statistics MonaVie provides such as: 77% of US adults 20+ are overweight (24-30 BMI) 78% have tried losing weight at least once 34% of these adults are Obese (30+ BMI) It is easy to see this is a market in demand and MonaVie distributors and future MonaVie distributors will have a Ground Floor Opportunity.
Those that missed the early days of the tremendous MonaVie Network Marketing growth will have their turn to be in the Right Place at the Right Time.
MonaVie RVL pre-launch begins Nov 2, 2010 and ends January 4, 2011.
During this time, while supplies last, the weight management products will be available for purchase to U.
and Canadian distributors who are active according to the MonaVie Compensation Plan.
MonaVie RVL boasts more nutrition per calorie than any other product on the market currently in the weight management category.
The containers for MonaVie RVL are not yet designated with the marketing logos, colors and text since this is the initial pre-launch phase.
There are three Weight Management products a Nutrition Shake, Dietary Supplement Capsules and Nutrition Snack Bars.
The plan is the traditional replace two meals and a snack with MonaVie RVL, eat a healthy dinner and exercise.
MonaVie has also designed a Weight Management Website as a tool to use with the plan that allows users to track meals and assist as a virtual counselor.
People are not often presented with second chances.
If you are a current MonaVie distributor or are doing your due diligence in researching to become a MonaVie distributor it is imperative you develop your marketing skills to capture this second chance.
Position yourself to be in the 3% of the network marketers that succeed.
Anyone can be successful in the network marketing industry, unfortunately 97% fail because they do not have a plan or the knowledge of the whole picture.
In order to succeed you must have a duplicable system.
In the MLM industry network marketers are being trained to be sales people.
Very few of us have the skills needed to build a large organization using the sales approach alone.
As with any business starting in today's economy, marketing skills and training skills will determine your success.
Simply joining MonaVie during this ground floor opportunity will not guarantee your success.
Your success is based on your ability to create a constant flow of high quality leads and teach them a system to do the same.
How can you do this? I had the same questions when I was getting started with network marketing.
As I mentioned in the beginning of this article I do not work with and am in no way affiliated with MonaVie however building any network marketing business takes many of the same tools and skills.
Like you, I was hungry for success and knew if other people out there were achieving success in Network Marketing there was no reason I could not do the same.
I researched and followed the training of many of the top producers out there and applied what they were teaching me to my style.
This is important because whatever you do to build your business it must be authentic to you.
Network marketing is all about relationships.
Number one in my list of how to run my business was to not ruin relationships I had with people.
Do my friends and family know what I do? Yes, you should tell people what you are doing just as you would with any job in conversation.
Do I repeatedly tell them over and over about why they should join me? No.
I love the companies I have chosen to work with and the opportunities they are giving me.
It is what make me tick but not necessarily everyone.
If you want to be successful in network marketing you need to work with others that believe in both the company and the business.
In addition they need to have the passion about it that you do.
Have some of my friends and family eventually asked me to tell them more about my business and how to get involved? Yes.
Anyone who has made millions of dollars in this industry starting at the ground level with no experience is there because they did not give up.
MonaVie reps, or any other direct selling company distributors, with success all started at the same place you and I did.
The difference between those that don't succeed and those of us that do is the commitment to their brand.
Not the companies' brand but their personal brand.
People will work with you because of what you can provide.
There are thousands of MonaVie distributors that someone looking to join MonaVie can enroll with.
If you want to truly succeed with MonaVie, or any network marketing business, you absolutely must have a system that those enrolling with you can reproduce.
New distributors will enroll with you because other MonaVie distributors do not have a system in place to teach them how to be in the 3% of network marketers making the large residual incomes and you do.
You not only offer the wonderful MonaVie product, you offer the solution to growing the MonaVie business.
MonaVie is giving you a second opportunity to join the coveted title of "Network Marketing Success Story" or even MLM Millionaire.
Do you want to be the Royal Black Diamond Executive? It isn't going to happen overnight but it can happen.
I am a true believer in the network marketing industry.
If you work with a company you are passionate about and treat it as a serious business you will succeed.
MonaVie is a very credible company with strong leaders, quality products and a generous comp plan.
Research and make a plan for the best way to grow your business.
Network marketing really will allow you to achieve financial success.
Those people that have achieved success are not just "lucky" and it is never to late.
What are you "Weighting" for? I would love to hear your thoughts! Leave a comment and let's talk about it.