Law & Legal & Attorney Law & Legal & Attorney

Why You Need To Be Able To Do Criminal Background Checks Yourself

It would be a wonderful thing if we could all trust each other, but the fact is that more and more people are doing things that they should not, and probably would not have done 50 years ago.
Here's an interesting fact.
10% of people are honest.
If they find a wallet they will return it.
If they were senators and offered a bribe they would refuse it and expose the offer even if it cost them their jobs.
10% of people are dishonest.
They will not only take advantage of a situation that could benefit them at someone else's cost, but they will actively engineer that sort of situation.
The remaining 80% of people fall in the middle and can be swayed either way.
It is societies job to make sure they are swayed to honesty and not dishonesty.
How do you think society is doing at that? Let's turn on the television and see.
CIS Miami, cops and robbers, trying to tell us you will get caught if you do these things, but really just showing what lengths an investigation needs to go to if they ever really want to catch someone.
Flick channel.
Music video, naked and semi-naked women dancing around some rapper.
Flick Channel.
Ahh - the religious channel.
God will strike you down if you don't send money to some preacher.
Flick Channel - It's the news, police are still looking for leads on a bank robbery in..
Flick Channel.
In other news today Paris Hilton...
Flick Channel.
In Hollywood news it looks like another breakup in tinsel town.
After just three months together, a pregnant...
Flick Channel.
After the break Judge Judy lays down the...
Let's face it, we live in a society where divorce is high, morals are loose and law enforcement and punishment are just one more form of entertainment.
If you want to protect yourself, you need to do it yourself.
Luckily the tools are out there.
You can get a background criminal report online in under a minute.
And you should too.
Blind faith is all well and good but it could get you robbed blind.
Do you really know anything about your neighbor? What about the guy across the hall? What about your sons teacher? What about that overly nice man who offered to pick up your daughter from school so she didn't have to take the bus? Don't put the safety of your family in someone else's hands.
Quite simply, our society glorifies the kind of things you don't want to happen to them.
Be informed.
Don't be a victim.
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