Society & Culture & Entertainment Jokes & Riddles & Humor

Fact Is Funnier Than Comedy

When I need a chuckle, I try to watch a sitcom or read the funnies.
When my need for comedy is greater, then I invest my time in watching a complete movie.
But when nothing but the funniest will do, I just observe the so-called real world around me.
The fact that this is really happening makes all the weird stuff all the more funny.
To begin with, one tends to have a basic expectation of common sense from people.
But the word common is misleading, as most often what we would classify as common sense is fairly uncommon.
What? Are you having trouble believing me? Well just turn to the weird news section of any newspaper or portal web site.
Honestly, I used to think that all this was just made up.
But I finally got to meet some of the people in these real world snafus and became a believer.
What would you say of the owner who claims that her cat dialed 911 thereby calling the police in time to save her life? Or the person who called Nine One One and claimed to not be able to find the Eleven button on his phone, thereby not being able to call Nine-Eleven, Or the bank robber who had his name prominently labeled across the motor bike helmet he wore to a bank? If I keep extending this list, you will soon get convinced that I am making this up as I am going along.
I am reminded of the words of Ernest Hemingway when we would sit on the steps of, whatever he sat on the steps of, and "see the world walk by.
" Well, Hemingway and I share that in common, except that it seems like I am more entertained than Hemingway was, as I do not just see the world walk by, but also make a fool of itself all along the way.
So, when you feel that things are all so sad and boring, just look around.
Do not bother about reading a joke book.
Instead consider reading a news paper.
Knowing what happened when a duck went to the bar and asked for a drink can be fun the first time you hear it.
Responding to a "Knock Knock" can be fun the first hundred times you hear it.
But, a constant, evergreen, and "unreal" source of chuckles is the real world.
It is no wonder then that movie makers spend time, energy, and money in including bloopers at the end of all movies.
Many people claim that these bloopers are more fun than the actual movie.
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