A unique Russian project - the multilingual iPad-magazine BIGRUSSIA, was launched on the 1st of November 2011 at the App Store. It is the first and only Russian magazine developed solely for distribution on the iPad tablet. The target audience is foreigners, considering doing business in Russia, and Russians interested in investments or in cooperating with foreign partners. BIGRUSSIA is short for Business Investment Guide to RUSSIA.
Although its content is written by professional journalists from various regions of Russia, BIGRUSSIA is not quite a usual magazine. It is, in many respects, a guide, a handbook even, containing instructions for foreigners on how to conduct small or medium business in Russia. But those, instructing, are not Russian civil servants or politicians - but natives of America, Germany, France, Italy, who have already established their businesses in Russia.
There are, of course, Russian names here too, but still, the main heroes are others. They are: an American who created a chain of coffee shops in Siberia, a German involved in agriculture in the Bryansk Region, an Italian, who has opened his author´s restaurant in Kirov. And they not only share their experiences, they tell of the right way to invest in a Russian business. And often they give hints about market niches that are not yet filled.
Speaking of potential topics for future issues, Nail Gafutulin, chief editor of the magazine turns attention to the following figures: according to various estimates, more than 400,000 representatives of foreign countries work in Russia. Thousands of them own their own businesses here. What brought them to Russia? What were they able to achieve? Is it possible to follow the footsteps of the most successful ones?
About BIGRUSSIA iPad-magazine:
BIGRUSSIA iPad-magazine - The Business Investment Guide to Russia is available in English in the App Store from the 1st of November 2011. BIGRUSSIA is a private project funded by the founders. For now the magazine is published every two months (the next edition is planned for January 2012). It´s available in three languages: English, German and Russian.
BIGRUSSIA - Business Investment Guide to Russia
iPad magazine on how can a foreigner conduct his small and medium business in Russia.
Link: http://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/bigrussia-business-investment/id474875600?mt=8
Although its content is written by professional journalists from various regions of Russia, BIGRUSSIA is not quite a usual magazine. It is, in many respects, a guide, a handbook even, containing instructions for foreigners on how to conduct small or medium business in Russia. But those, instructing, are not Russian civil servants or politicians - but natives of America, Germany, France, Italy, who have already established their businesses in Russia.
There are, of course, Russian names here too, but still, the main heroes are others. They are: an American who created a chain of coffee shops in Siberia, a German involved in agriculture in the Bryansk Region, an Italian, who has opened his author´s restaurant in Kirov. And they not only share their experiences, they tell of the right way to invest in a Russian business. And often they give hints about market niches that are not yet filled.
Speaking of potential topics for future issues, Nail Gafutulin, chief editor of the magazine turns attention to the following figures: according to various estimates, more than 400,000 representatives of foreign countries work in Russia. Thousands of them own their own businesses here. What brought them to Russia? What were they able to achieve? Is it possible to follow the footsteps of the most successful ones?
About BIGRUSSIA iPad-magazine:
BIGRUSSIA iPad-magazine - The Business Investment Guide to Russia is available in English in the App Store from the 1st of November 2011. BIGRUSSIA is a private project funded by the founders. For now the magazine is published every two months (the next edition is planned for January 2012). It´s available in three languages: English, German and Russian.
BIGRUSSIA - Business Investment Guide to Russia
iPad magazine on how can a foreigner conduct his small and medium business in Russia.
Link: http://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/bigrussia-business-investment/id474875600?mt=8