Health & Medical Health News & Knowledge

Two Sides of the Fitness Coin

Both exercise and nutrition are very important components to health that complement one another. It is unfortunate that many people are only concerned with their weight so they may neglect either exercise and only focus on diet or neglect diet and only focus on exercise. I suspect these people are only concerned with either one or the other because their single concern is their weight so they don't care about the benefits both offer so long as one helps them lose weight. Perhaps if these people knew about the effects that both of these elements they would be more inclined to focus on both. I will also go over how you can start an online exercise program which has many advantages. The two biggest advantages to using an online exercise program are that it is convenient and very affordable. I will also discuss how to choose a service that offers a quality online exercise program.

            Let us focus on exercise first. It seems to me that it is mostly women who think they can focus just on their diet and expect their health to reach a new plateau via weight loss. While nutrition is very important, there are many benefits that exercise can offer that nutrition cannot. One such benefit is cardiovascular exercise's ability to improve brain function. While nutrition can do this in ways I will touch on later, cardiovascular exercise can actually increase the rate at which you generate new brain cells. There have been studies done on aged rats which show that when they perform cardiovascular exercise they generate new brain cells at a much faster rate. There were also improvements in the function of their hypothalamus which improved their memories. Resistance training is good for your body in a number of ways but one such way is that it increases bone density. This is particularly good for two groups of people. The first I'll mention is women. As women become postmenopausal they are much more likely to develop weaker bones and in some cases, osteoporosis. The second group is the elderly. The elderly sometimes have weaker bones and difficulty absorbing minerals. They have a great deal to gain by resistance training because they are at a great risk for bone fractures if they fall or have an accident.

            The people who neglect nutrition and focus solely on exercise are missing out on several highly beneficial health effects that nutrition offers. As I mentioned already, exercise improves brain function but there are a number of foods that can do this as well through a large assortment of mechanisms. There is a fatty acid called lecithin that is found in a number of foods such as egg yolk. Lecithin helps prevent the breakdown of a brain hormone called acetylcholine which is the main hormone involved in memory. This hormone is naturally broken down by other particles in the brain but lecithin helps block these other substances. Any balanced diet includes plants, namely fruits and vegetables. Plant foods contain substances called sterols that block the absorption of bad cholesterols. Sterols are basically plant cholesterol so when you consume sterols, this good cholesterol gets absorbed while the bad doesn't. Protein is a nutrient that should be in every diet and is excellent for weight loss. Protein is not only good for muscle health but it can also increase the metabolism. Protein increases something called thermogenesis which is the amount of heat your body produces. This is a good indicator of how fast and elevated your metabolism is. When you have a higher metabolism at rest, you can burn hundreds of calories while not doing anything. Protein also effectively suppresses that appetite because it isn't broken down as easily as sugar. Fat is similar to protein in this respect. There are different kinds of fat, some good and some bad. Unsaturated fats are the good kind of that help lower bad cholesterol. These are the fats that are found in plants and fish such as omega-3 fatty acids. Olive oil also has a healthy fat called omega-9 fatty acid or oleic acid. Fiber is also found in many plant foods and aid in digestion.

            An online exercise program is a very effective way of losing weight and getting fit. It is also a great alternative to personal training which is a very expensive way to get instruction from a personal trainer. A well put together online exercise program can be just as effective as having a personal trainer at the gym. You want to make sure that your program is designed by certified personal trainer because this makes curtain that you are getting instruction based on sound fitness theory. Also make curtain that the trainer designing your online exercise program is available to answer to answer fitness questions you may have.
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