Society & Culture & Entertainment Radio & Television

Juicy Profits From Jaws 5

There are millions of dollars on the Hollywood table just waiting to be picked up from Jaws 5, and here's why...
There has been a spate of movie franchise revivals lately.
As much as Star Wars helped lead the way in effects and impact when it hit the screens in the 70s, the making of the 3 'prequels' no doubt played a huge part in other movie franchises being brought back to life.
Let's face it, money talks the loudest of all in Hollywood, and if people caught the scent of big box office bucks, it was only natural for others to follow.
Think of Rocky, Die Hard, Rambo, Indiana Jones, all franchises which had seemed rooted in the past, but they have all shown the ability to rise back up.
Personally I don't find it surprising - it's been a long time since the overkill and plotline weariness has gone, and the spanning of decades has moved the filmmaking skills on so much, that the fans the first time around, (and there were lots of them!), plus the new fans under the age of 20, are eager to see how the next film in the series would turn out.
Can you imagine a Jaws 5? Of course! The first Jaws film made big waves, if you'll excuse the pun.
The second one was a bit of a retread, and by the time of the 3rd edition, the one made in 3D, the moviegoers patience was at full stretch.
Jaws 4 finished it off, and the memory was best left with the first, maybe the 2nd.
Jaws 4 was made in 1987 though - 21 years for Hollywood to come up with something new, and if the first film scared people in 1976, imagine what a new version could do! I can just hear those cello strings now...
dum dum..
dum dum...
and so on.
So you can see there certainly would be juicy profits available from Jaws 5!
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