Well, it is true that tried and tested options can be trusted to be fruitful. But, at the same time, the can also be boring. This is especially true when it comes to the matter of hen parties.
Tried and Tested
There are many tried and tested hen ideas across the country. No doubt, they were novel and exciting at some point in time, but today, they are regarded as passé as well as boring. Some of these hen party ideas included going out for dinner, going to a theatre, clubbing, etc. The most novel thing you could do was hire a limo and take a couple male strippers with you, but even that can hold one's interest for only so long.
Trendy Idea
One particular hen idea has taken women across the nation by storm. There are some comedy clubs that offer shows especially designed for hen parties and women have taken great fancy to these shows. These shows encompass every aspect of what a woman may want for her hen party. The main features of the show include male strippers, drag queens, comedy routines, games and gaffs, numerous gifts and giveaways, top DJs as well as drinks and dinner. How many hen ideas can claim to offer so much?
Be Unique
Another hot Hen Ideas is making the rounds in recent times. Women are now dressing up in costumes for their hen parties. Popular hen ideas for costumes include police women, school girls, cheerleaders, GI Jane's army, sailors, pirates, fairies and Pink Ladies from the movie Grease. There are also hen party specific accessories to be considered. These include tiaras, sashes, bunny ears, boas, pompoms, tutus, fairy wings, ‘L' plates and special printed T-Shirts with quirky messages.
Tried and Tested
There are many tried and tested hen ideas across the country. No doubt, they were novel and exciting at some point in time, but today, they are regarded as passé as well as boring. Some of these hen party ideas included going out for dinner, going to a theatre, clubbing, etc. The most novel thing you could do was hire a limo and take a couple male strippers with you, but even that can hold one's interest for only so long.
Trendy Idea
One particular hen idea has taken women across the nation by storm. There are some comedy clubs that offer shows especially designed for hen parties and women have taken great fancy to these shows. These shows encompass every aspect of what a woman may want for her hen party. The main features of the show include male strippers, drag queens, comedy routines, games and gaffs, numerous gifts and giveaways, top DJs as well as drinks and dinner. How many hen ideas can claim to offer so much?
Be Unique
Another hot Hen Ideas is making the rounds in recent times. Women are now dressing up in costumes for their hen parties. Popular hen ideas for costumes include police women, school girls, cheerleaders, GI Jane's army, sailors, pirates, fairies and Pink Ladies from the movie Grease. There are also hen party specific accessories to be considered. These include tiaras, sashes, bunny ears, boas, pompoms, tutus, fairy wings, ‘L' plates and special printed T-Shirts with quirky messages.