Many men who have never heard of penis exercises think that they have just been developed recently.
This is not true at all.
The fact of the matter is that they have been here for thousands of years.
This is the story that has been suppressed for thousands of years.
Making your penis bigger-The history of penis exercises The motions that get men larger for life with just the hand have been around since the beginning of man.
Men who were experimenting in these earliest days obviously used their hands first.
Now, these men were probably not patient at all.
What they most likely did was attempt to stretch the manhood and all they got was sore.
That is not how we know that these now work today.
As time progressed these men thought why don't I slow this down a bit and maybe it will work.
They then massage the manhood and it did get larger and longer permanently.
This was not really a secret at this time, because people walked around nude.
So, obviously, other people knew something was going on and then they learned the secret.
Only when people began to cloth themselves did the secret go underground.
And, of course, men who knew this did not share, this is just male nature.
Then we have a hidden method that is only passed around amongst a few friends.
However, this was easily in the tens of thousands.
Now, this is going all around the planet due to the Internet and hundreds of thousands of men now do them.
However, many men see this information and don't even believe it, because they have brain washed to believe that they can't get bigger at all.
This is not true at all.
The fact of the matter is that they have been here for thousands of years.
This is the story that has been suppressed for thousands of years.
Making your penis bigger-The history of penis exercises The motions that get men larger for life with just the hand have been around since the beginning of man.
Men who were experimenting in these earliest days obviously used their hands first.
Now, these men were probably not patient at all.
What they most likely did was attempt to stretch the manhood and all they got was sore.
That is not how we know that these now work today.
As time progressed these men thought why don't I slow this down a bit and maybe it will work.
They then massage the manhood and it did get larger and longer permanently.
This was not really a secret at this time, because people walked around nude.
So, obviously, other people knew something was going on and then they learned the secret.
Only when people began to cloth themselves did the secret go underground.
And, of course, men who knew this did not share, this is just male nature.
Then we have a hidden method that is only passed around amongst a few friends.
However, this was easily in the tens of thousands.
Now, this is going all around the planet due to the Internet and hundreds of thousands of men now do them.
However, many men see this information and don't even believe it, because they have brain washed to believe that they can't get bigger at all.