Male pattern hair loss occurs in men and leaves a huge impact on the personality as well. There are some medical and treatments, that induce hair loss in men and on its termination, hair starts growing back. However, some medical conditions induce male hair loss and on treating this, hair starts growing. In such areas, there is no specific need of hair loss treatment or hair replacement. Heredity also leads to male pattern hair loss in men and there is nothing much, that can be done to treat the hair loss, because it is inherited from the family.
When male pattern hair loss occurs, these hairs do not get replaced because bald areas start becoming visible. Male pattern baldness takes long time to appear and the time at which you start to lose hair does not necessarily provide any symptoms as to how long it will be until you consider yourself as bald. Baldness takes its own time to appear in men.
There are various reasons for hair loss. If a man is between the age of 20 and 45, then he can start to lose scalp hair and the chances are, that 95 per cent of such male individuals are experiencing male pattern hair loss. As the term suggests, male pattern baldness follows a typical sequence and pattern. Male pattern hair loss can start in different areas but is generally at the temples and on the crown of the head. Normal hair loss progresses over a number of years and leads to complete baldness. The more typically loss of hair over the top surface of the head.
Male pattern hair loss is the common hair loss, that occurs in most men at a specific stage. It usually takes 15 to 25 years to go completely bald. A rim of hair is often left around the back and sides of the scalp. In some special cases, this rim of hair also reduces and goes to leave a completely bald scalp.
Hair is made in hair follicles, that are like tiny pouches just under the skin surface. A hair normally grows from each follicle for about 3 years. It then falls off and a new hair grows from the follicle. This cycle of hair growth, shedding and new growth goes on throughout life.
When male pattern baldness occurs, these hairs do not get replaced because bald areas start becoming visible. Male pattern baldness takes long time to appear and the time at which you start to lose hair does not necessarily provide any symptoms as to how long it will be until you consider yourself as bald. For more details on male pattern hair loss, do log on to
When male pattern hair loss occurs, these hairs do not get replaced because bald areas start becoming visible. Male pattern baldness takes long time to appear and the time at which you start to lose hair does not necessarily provide any symptoms as to how long it will be until you consider yourself as bald. Baldness takes its own time to appear in men.
There are various reasons for hair loss. If a man is between the age of 20 and 45, then he can start to lose scalp hair and the chances are, that 95 per cent of such male individuals are experiencing male pattern hair loss. As the term suggests, male pattern baldness follows a typical sequence and pattern. Male pattern hair loss can start in different areas but is generally at the temples and on the crown of the head. Normal hair loss progresses over a number of years and leads to complete baldness. The more typically loss of hair over the top surface of the head.
Male pattern hair loss is the common hair loss, that occurs in most men at a specific stage. It usually takes 15 to 25 years to go completely bald. A rim of hair is often left around the back and sides of the scalp. In some special cases, this rim of hair also reduces and goes to leave a completely bald scalp.
Hair is made in hair follicles, that are like tiny pouches just under the skin surface. A hair normally grows from each follicle for about 3 years. It then falls off and a new hair grows from the follicle. This cycle of hair growth, shedding and new growth goes on throughout life.
When male pattern baldness occurs, these hairs do not get replaced because bald areas start becoming visible. Male pattern baldness takes long time to appear and the time at which you start to lose hair does not necessarily provide any symptoms as to how long it will be until you consider yourself as bald. For more details on male pattern hair loss, do log on to