If you are a nature lover and if you love watching birds, then you need bird feeder plans so you can watch the birds in your yard as they eat after you've built your bird feeder.
In this article you will learn a few things about bird feeders and attracting birds to your home.
When you plan your bird feeder, it's very important to understand the feeding habits of birds you wish to attract.
It is better to build the bird feeder based up on those kinds of birds.
There are 5 types of bird feeders tray, hopper, tube, suet, and hummingbird.
Building different feeders, each with only one kind of seed, will attract a variety of birds and reduce the amount of seed that lands on the ground.
The bird feeder can be tied up to the branch of tree to keep pets or squirrels away and give the birds a place to perch when they're not feeding or you can erect poles to hang the feeders from.
You should clean the feeder about once a month to prevent it from becoming contaminated.
In this article you will learn a few things about bird feeders and attracting birds to your home.
When you plan your bird feeder, it's very important to understand the feeding habits of birds you wish to attract.
It is better to build the bird feeder based up on those kinds of birds.
There are 5 types of bird feeders tray, hopper, tube, suet, and hummingbird.
- Tray type consist of a platform the seeds are spread out on.
The tray can be placed on a table which permits the birds that like to feed off the ground to use it.
If you put the tray on top of a pole then you can keep the unwanted animals from eating the bird seed especially if the pole is a 4" or better yet 6" PVC pipe.
These kind of feeders may be very simple or they can be quite complex and made to look like southern mansions, log cabins or even replicas of the homeowner's house.
Bird feeders such as these serve a wide variety of birds.
Provision for rain water drainage will keep the seed from spoiling.
By drilling some holes in the bottom then covering those holes with window screen allows the rain water to drain out. - Hopper type are perhaps the most common type of feeder.
They have at least one wall slanted with the narrow opening on the bottom that allows the seed to drop into a platform or tray.
Both sides can be on an angle or one side vertical and the other be on an angle to it.
The bottom holding the seed should have a way for rain water to drain (see above).
Also the roof should be removable so the feeder can be refilled and cleaned. - Tube type are long, narrow and have several holes for the birds to feed.
Small dowels can be placed around the feeding holes so the birds can have a place to perch while they eat.
Other ways for the birds to perch include a small ledge near the holes or by using a piece of heavy gauge solid copper wire wrapped around the feeder allows several birds to feed at once.
Tube feeders may drop the seed the same way as hopper type onto a platform or tray.
In this case the tube has small openings around the base that lets the seed drop into the larger bottom.
These feeders also should allow for drainage of rain water. - Suet type feeders can have a cage-like structure with the animal fat placed inside.
Another kind of wire mesh may also be used, the idea is to hold the animal fat but still let the birds have access.
The size of the holes in the cage or mesh will determine the size of the birds that will be able to feed.
This type of bird feeder is best suited for cold weather because the fat will go rancid in warm weather but it supplies much needed nourishment during the winter months. - Hummingbird style are completely different because hummingbirds require a liquid diet.
The feeders you make must be able to hold the liquid but still permit the birds to get to the nectar.
Red and yellow are colors to use to attract these birds.
Building different feeders, each with only one kind of seed, will attract a variety of birds and reduce the amount of seed that lands on the ground.
The bird feeder can be tied up to the branch of tree to keep pets or squirrels away and give the birds a place to perch when they're not feeding or you can erect poles to hang the feeders from.
You should clean the feeder about once a month to prevent it from becoming contaminated.