Health & Medical Men's Health

Would You Rather Have a Large Penis or Be a Multi-Millionaire?

The header of this article has posed a question: If you had a decision to make regarding increasing the size of your penis versus having a large amount of money, which one would you choose if you were given the option of having one over the other...
? Which leads us to ponder that if a man was a millionaire, would he even care about the size of his penis...
? The reality of it is that any man can become a millionaire if he so desires.
There are a number of ways a man can become monetarily rich.
In fact, the list is endless regarding all the options a man has in order to become rich.
Truly, the sky is the limit; it is truly infinite.
Enlarging one's penis is a slightly different matter, however.
Not only are there NOT infinite ways of enlarging a man's penis, but there are only a handful of methods available for men to do so.
As the majority of these methods don't work and are unable to give any tangible results, a man is even more limited by what methods exist so that he can enlarge his penis.
So, it's easy to become a millionaire if a man is willing to diligently work at it...
And, yet, it is tangibly difficult for a man to enlarge his penis, even if he works quite diligently at it.
One is easy.
The other is difficult.
If you apply the methodologies that a man might utilize to become a multi-millionaire to his penis size, what would he wind up with? He would wind up using the same creative ingenuity (used to make millions) to address his penis size.
Realizing that it is a difficult task, if not impossible, to actually increase his penile size, he would logically then turn his attention to using whatever assets he currently has available to him (and at his disposal), and make the best use of them.
So, again, as a man, if your bank account was empty and if you had a small penis, would you rather be a multi-millionaire or have a larger penis? It's an interesting question worth pondering, in my opinion.
However, the truly smart men will use whatever they have (at their disposal) to make the most out of what they currently have.
Once a man realizes that this is all he needs - to be successful in whatever endeavor he so desires - then he can get on with making the most out of what he has and not live in a world of "What If?" fantasies and impossible dreams.
- Dane Meddings
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