Virtually all kids these days already know how to use computers, from our small preschoolers up to our growing teenagers. They use computers for researching about their home works and school projects; for socializing with their friends online, etc. Although nothing seems wrong with these, parents need to monitor computer activity of children.
Why Is There A Need For Monitoring
The internet may be a great place to find awesome materials for learning, but is a place where online predators thrive. Internet-related crimes are on the rise and the pool of victims often includes children.
Some internet places can be threatening and offensive. There are no specific rules that govern the internet and people are free to set up any website containing the contents of their choice. Your child may come across a site where he/she may know how to grow narcotic plants, may be influenced about anarchy or hatred; may buy stolen goods online, etc. Computer monitoring will help ensure that your child does not access these prohibited contents and places on the internet.
What You Can Do To Keep Your Child From These Online Dangers
As a parent, you would not want your child to be easy preys to predators on the web. There are a lot of things you can actually do.
Where To Place The Computer
The computer must be placed in a common area in the house such as the living room. This way, you can easily see on the screen what your child in doing on the computer and over the internet.
Setting Computer Usage Rules
Apart from where the computer is placed, it is also imperative that you set some rules that the child will follow in using the internet. You need to set the amount of time a child spends in front of the computer screen. You should also set rules regarding what activities your child must and must not do online. In creating these rules, consider your child's interest and needs.
One example of rule that a child should follow is not to go in private chat rooms, particularly when you are not around to monitor. Advice your child not to give out any personal or sensitive information to people they meet online.
Learn About Computers/Internet
This knowledge should not be disregarded, thinking you have no use for it. When you are knowledgeable about computers/internet, the more capable you can be in safeguarding your child's welfare. You and your child can both learn the possible dangers from the web. You must talk honestly and openly with one another about your concerns. Part of learning is spending internet browsing together.
Using Computer Monitoring Software
If you would like to have fewer hassles in monitoring; then find the most appropriate software program you can install in your PC. These programs vary in price and in features so choose one that suits your needs perfectly. With such programs, you can remotely monitor what your child is doing even if his/her computer is inside his own bedroom. You can record and save messaging history. You will know which websites your child visits; you can also block his/her computer from gaining access to these prohibited sites, etc.
Why Is There A Need For Monitoring
The internet may be a great place to find awesome materials for learning, but is a place where online predators thrive. Internet-related crimes are on the rise and the pool of victims often includes children.
Some internet places can be threatening and offensive. There are no specific rules that govern the internet and people are free to set up any website containing the contents of their choice. Your child may come across a site where he/she may know how to grow narcotic plants, may be influenced about anarchy or hatred; may buy stolen goods online, etc. Computer monitoring will help ensure that your child does not access these prohibited contents and places on the internet.
What You Can Do To Keep Your Child From These Online Dangers
As a parent, you would not want your child to be easy preys to predators on the web. There are a lot of things you can actually do.
Where To Place The Computer
The computer must be placed in a common area in the house such as the living room. This way, you can easily see on the screen what your child in doing on the computer and over the internet.
Setting Computer Usage Rules
Apart from where the computer is placed, it is also imperative that you set some rules that the child will follow in using the internet. You need to set the amount of time a child spends in front of the computer screen. You should also set rules regarding what activities your child must and must not do online. In creating these rules, consider your child's interest and needs.
One example of rule that a child should follow is not to go in private chat rooms, particularly when you are not around to monitor. Advice your child not to give out any personal or sensitive information to people they meet online.
Learn About Computers/Internet
This knowledge should not be disregarded, thinking you have no use for it. When you are knowledgeable about computers/internet, the more capable you can be in safeguarding your child's welfare. You and your child can both learn the possible dangers from the web. You must talk honestly and openly with one another about your concerns. Part of learning is spending internet browsing together.
Using Computer Monitoring Software
If you would like to have fewer hassles in monitoring; then find the most appropriate software program you can install in your PC. These programs vary in price and in features so choose one that suits your needs perfectly. With such programs, you can remotely monitor what your child is doing even if his/her computer is inside his own bedroom. You can record and save messaging history. You will know which websites your child visits; you can also block his/her computer from gaining access to these prohibited sites, etc.