Remember when 'The Secret' was all the rage? It was everywhere; 'The Secret' books. 'The Secret' DVDs. 'the Secret' bumper stickers. Only it's not really a secret. The concept behind this seemingly 'new' phenomenon has actually been around for a very long time; it's just never been packaged so 'attractively' before now (pardon the pun!). Whatever the case, the basic premise behind the Law of Attraction is: 'Focus on what you want, and you can have it'.But did you know that you can use the principles behind the Law of Attraction to lose weight? Anybody can use their minds to attract good things into their lives; you have the power to create anything you want. It's all about giving your mind a picture of what you want; through a process called visualization. In order to get what you want, you need to be specific about what that is. So begin by asking yourself a few basic questions:* What exactly is your goal weight?* How will you feel when you reach your ideal weight?* What will you be wearing and how will it feel on your fit, healthy, slim body?Visualization is using your imagination to 'daydream' about the things you want. Remember when you used to get told off in class for daydreaming? Well it turns out your teachers were wrong; daydreaming is actually very good for you, provided you use it wisely. When I use the term 'visualize' I'm not just talking about using your eyes; I'm talking about using all five senses - seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and/or smelling.Some people feel what they are attracting or get a sense of it instead of seeing; or they may imagine that they can hear others congratulating them on their success once they have achieved the goal. All of these are examples of visualization. But visualizing yourself at your ideal weight is only one part of the equation. Not sure where or how to start? Here are some of my favourite tips for using the Law of Attraction to lose weight;ONE: Combine your Visualization with your WorkoutYou can do this just before you begin your workout, or even while you are in the middle of it. Sometimes exercise can be a bit uninspiring (oops - did I say that??), so this is a really productive way to pass the time. By daydreaming about your ideal body you are leveraging your results. As you work out, get a picture or a feeling of your body as it responds to exercises. Notice how it feels as your body becomes fitter, stronger and leaner right before your eyes.TWO: Create a Vision BoardA vision board is basically a group of pictures that represents the things you want to attract into your life. You can cut out pictures from magazines or download images from the internet and print them. These images should show the kind of body you want to have. Or you could include pictures of the things you will do once you have reached your goal weight, or even the type of foods that will become part of your new, healthier lifestyle. Look at these pictures and images every day. Allow them to inspire you. As you give your subconscious mind a picture, it sets out to create this as your reality.THREE: Use AffirmationsAffirmations are a great way to get what you want. If you're not familiar with affirmations and how they work, feel free to download my free e-books for more information. You can practise your affirmations throughout the day or during specific times, such as first thing in the morning or before you go to sleep. Affirmations serve to change the neurological pathways, steering you away from what you do not want and towards what you do want.FOUR: Take ActionThe most crucial step in using the Law of Attraction is that you do actually have to do something to bring about the changes you want. You can affirm your ideal weight until you're blue in the face but you will not actually achieve anything unless you take action. When used properly, The Law of Attraction can feel like magic - but is not a magic quick fix - it is a means for you to get what you want by focusing on what you want and then tuning into 'clues' from the Universe about how to go about getting it.So for example, let's say you have already created your vision board; you know what you want and have focused on the minutest details. Then one day out of the blue during your power walk, you might notice an organic fruit and vegetable shop that sells its produce cheaply; funny how it has been there all along but you have only just noticed it now! All of these things happen for a reason. They are not coincidences or accidents. They are the Law of Attraction at work.The Law of Attraction works - whether you believe in it or not. The trick is to have patience; ask for what you want and then let go of wanting it. Let the Universe do what it does best and allow it to bring you what you have asked for at the perfect time, in the perfect way and for the highest good of all concerned.