Health & Medical Men's Health

How to Stop Premature Ejaculation - Last Longer in Bed

Premature ejaculation or ejaculating too soon during intercourse can be one of the most embarrassing sexual problems that men face.
It can leave you humiliated and your woman dissatisfied in bed.
Most men got through this problem and it is only with certain techniques that you can actually get over this problem.
First and foremost.
, you must have better control of your breathing.
It is very important.
You must have noticed when you are close to ejaculating you tend to take faster and shorter breaths.
This increases tension until you are not in control any more and end up ejaculating.
Taking deep breaths when you are close to the point of no return can be a bug help.
This is likely to reduce tension and relax muscles and your body.
This is one of my personal favorite technique and can do wonders for your ejaculatory control.
In addition to this, there are some other exercises that can also help.
Kegels are exercises that aim to make your PC muscle strong.
This is the muscle that controls the flow of both urine and semen and you can easily locate it by trying to stop urine midstream.
A kegel is performed by contracting the PC muscle and holding it for a few seconds before releasing it.
Over time, this simple and easy exercise can make you last much longer in bed.
Though initially you are not likely to notice any difference, within a few months you would be using this muscle involuntarily to delay and prolong your ejaculations.
Over and above, there are some herbal gels and natural pills or supplements that can also be a big help.
Such natural gels have become extremely popular since they are very easy to use and do not leave any residue.
Moreover, such gels work instantly and not only help you last longer in bed but also help you get a rock hard erection even after you have had a few drinks or when you are nervous with someone new.
Moreover, there are some natural male enhancement pills that can also be highly effective.
Such pills are a blend of age proven herbs and other nutrients that not only increase blood flow the penis but also boost your testosterone levels in order to ensure improved sexual function.
Apart from ensuring powerful erections, such pills also make you delay your ejaculations and the best part is that top of the line products are clinically approved and do not have any side effects.
If you want to Stop Premature Ejaculation, check out more on the Most Powerful and Natural Remedies that can help you last longer in bed and please your woman.
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