Credit Cards companies were having a flourishing business as they were used to charge heavy penalties for delayed payments. The Government has to interfere to safeguard the interest of the customers. They have enacted various laws to curb the activities of credit card companies. They have been asked to send the account statement well in advance so that the customer will be able to mobilize funds for payment before due date. In case of excess payments made by the customer the excess funds should be utilized to clear the balance carrying the highest rate of interest. Hitherto the companies were using the funds for clearing the lowest interest rate carrying balances. The practice of double billing while calculating interest was also curbed and the customer can claim back the extra interest charged by the facilitator.
Some companies changes the credit limit upwards or downwards without information to the customer. You will be surprised to receive additional charges on account of increase in limit or excess usage charges on account of decrease in limit. It is always better to keep an internet link to your credit card account and have a watch on the transactions effected on the account. Some companies offer the service of sending SMS to its customer at the time of every usage of the card.
Credit Card score is a promotional offer provided by credit card companies to their customers. The score is calculated on the basis of usage of the card and maintaining the optimum balance at all times. Neither the person having more overdue balance nor the person with minimum or credit balance is benefited. You should always watch the account and maintain the balance so as to secure highest credit card scores. Normally keeping your balance at 30% of your credit limit is considered as a good conduct of account and is eligible for better credit score.
Many business concerns are offering credit cards for purchase of their products linked to credit cards. The installments will be paid by the credit card companies and in turn these credit cards companies will charge some interest on the payments made by them on behalf of their customers. This practice is prevalent now in almost all types of industries viz. consumer durables, motor vehicle finance, jewel purchases etc. In view of stiff completion may credit card companies have come with an offer for more period of interest free credit to its customers? You can even transfer the balance from one company to another company if you are not satisfied with the services of credit card companies. Credit cards are now offered over a telephonic conversation. It is for the customer to decide which companys services are best suited to his needs.
To get a detailed analysis on secured credit cards and to see the various offers on credit cards, you can visit the website: Creditcards
Some companies changes the credit limit upwards or downwards without information to the customer. You will be surprised to receive additional charges on account of increase in limit or excess usage charges on account of decrease in limit. It is always better to keep an internet link to your credit card account and have a watch on the transactions effected on the account. Some companies offer the service of sending SMS to its customer at the time of every usage of the card.
Credit Card score is a promotional offer provided by credit card companies to their customers. The score is calculated on the basis of usage of the card and maintaining the optimum balance at all times. Neither the person having more overdue balance nor the person with minimum or credit balance is benefited. You should always watch the account and maintain the balance so as to secure highest credit card scores. Normally keeping your balance at 30% of your credit limit is considered as a good conduct of account and is eligible for better credit score.
Many business concerns are offering credit cards for purchase of their products linked to credit cards. The installments will be paid by the credit card companies and in turn these credit cards companies will charge some interest on the payments made by them on behalf of their customers. This practice is prevalent now in almost all types of industries viz. consumer durables, motor vehicle finance, jewel purchases etc. In view of stiff completion may credit card companies have come with an offer for more period of interest free credit to its customers? You can even transfer the balance from one company to another company if you are not satisfied with the services of credit card companies. Credit cards are now offered over a telephonic conversation. It is for the customer to decide which companys services are best suited to his needs.
To get a detailed analysis on secured credit cards and to see the various offers on credit cards, you can visit the website: Creditcards