Health & Medical Men's Health

Prostate Health Diet That Reduces Enlarged Prostate

There are sixteen different supplements that you can add to your prostate health diet.
But let start with the ones you should start using right away.
The first one you should start using is beta-sitosterol.
Beta-sitosterol Beta-sitosterol is the main active ingredient in the herbs saw palmetto and pygeum.
Both of these herbs do not have enough beta-sitosterol to be of real value in giving you prostate health.
Now, beta-sitosterol, which can be obtained from sugar cane pulp, can be purchased in capsule doses of 300 - 600 mg, which gives you an effective dose to eliminate your enlarged prostate.
Pygeum can only provide around 30 mg and you need upwards of 600 mg daily.
Go to the Internet to find a good beta - sitosterol price and quantity.
Flax Seed or Fish Oil The nutrient to use for the best prostate health diet is flaxseed oil.
Flax seed oil contains more omega-3 than omega-6 and so it makes it a good source of omega-3.
The more omega-6 use, from olive oil and other vegetables oils, the more prone you will be to prostate cancer.
This is not the case with omega-3 oil and this has been verified through clinical studies.
Omega-3 protects the prostates cells and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Using fish oil can also be a better choice than flax seed oil since your body digests it better.
Use 1 - 2 grams of flax seed or fish oil per day.
Soy Isoflavones Soy Isoflavones have been shown in clinical studies to have good effects on your prostate and should be added to your prostate health diet.
These isoflavones are flavones and contain no photoestrogen so the have no estrogen effects in the body.
The active ingredients in the isoflavones are genestein and daidzein.
Buy a brand that has up to 40 mg of isoflavones Use this quantity daily.
Ionic Minerals The prostate needs minerals.
Adding these to your prostate health diet is critical.
You cannot have good prostate health without plenty of minerals and your regular diet cannot supply what you need.
Use the Ionic Minerals, which are liquids, but not the colloidal minerals.
Ionic Minerals are absorbed immediately into your blood stream soon after they enter your mouth.
In addition to these ionic minerals, you need to make sure you get plenty of zinc and selenium.
The prostate has more zinc than any other part of the body.
So take 15 - 20 mg per day and not to exceed 40 mg.
Vitamin D Vitamin D is another critical vitamin that you want to make sure you get plenty of.
If you are out in the sun a lot, then you will not need to supplement with this vitamin.
Otherwise, use up to 800 IU of this vitamin.
Vitamin E This is the next most important Vitamin you should supplement with.
Use up to 400 mg per day of the natural mixed tocopherols.
Clinical studies have shown that vitamin E can reduce and suppress prostate cancer cells.
There you have it.
Use, beta sitosterol, isoflavones, minerals, vitamin D, and vitamin E in your prostate health diet and see improvements in your prostate symptoms and health.
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