The experts at Country Homes & Interiors magazine have come up with simple steps to creating your own Christmas Stocking.
You will need * Dressmaker's pattern paper * Main red fabric (we used Melton Grenadier, ref LW106191, £72 a metre, Lewis & Wood) * Red gingham fabric (we used Suffolk Check 3, £15 a metre, Ian Mankin) * Tailor's chalk * Matching thread * Bondaweb (44cm wide, £2.
70 a metre, Cotton Patch) * White felt (from 45p, HobbyCraft; or 65p for an A4 piece, Willow Fabrics) * Contrasting thread for top stitching * Miniature bells or baubles for trimming (we used Rayher 15mm bells, £2.
47 for 10, Creations Art & Craft Materials) Making the stocking Step 1 Use dressmaker's pattern paper to make a stocking pattern to your chosen size, adding 2.
5cm seam allowances all round.
Cut out two stocking pieces in red fabric.
Step 2 Cut a piece of gingham to match the toe section of your cut-out stocking, adding 2.
5cm along the straight edge for turning under.
For the gingham trim at the top of the stocking, take one cut-out stocking piece and measure across the top edge.
Cut a 10cm strip of gingham to twice this measurement minus 5cm.
Step 3 Use tailor's chalk to mark all 2.
5cm seam lines on the right side of one stocking piece.
Take your gingham toe piece, turn under 2.
5cm along the straight edge and press.
Pin, right side up on the right side of your marked stocking.
Top stitch 5mm from the folded edge and then tack along curved edges Step 4 Check the sizes against your chalked stocking, draw an icicle trim and three holly leaf shapes on the paper side of a piece of Bondaweb.
Following manufacturer's instructions, place the Bondaweb, paper side up, on to your felt and press.
Cut out the shapes and check the sizes again against your stocking, making sure that the icicle trim in particular fits neatly between the three chalked seam lines at the top of the stocking.
Trim a little if necessary.
Remove the backing paper and iron the motifs in place on the stocking.
Using a contrasting thread, top stitch all round each leaf, 5mm from the edges, and then stitch in the 'veins' of each leaf (use the picture as a guide).
Step 5 Right sides facing and matching raw edges all round, pin the two stocking pieces together.
Machine stitch, taking a 2.
5cm seam, leaving the top edge open.
Trim seams and snip into the seam allowances around the curved edges to ease the fit.
Press open seam allowances and turn through.
Step 6 Fold the gingham strip in half widthways and stitch a 2.
5cm seam along the short edges to form a ring.
Press seam open and turn through.
Fold in half along the length, matching raw edges and press.
Then turn under 2.
5cm along one long edge and press again.
Repeat along the remaining long raw edge.
Right sides facing and matching raw edges, pin the gingham trim to the top of the stocking, matching the trim seam with one of the stocking seams.
Turn the trim over the raw edge of the stocking and slip stitch in place on the reverse.
To finish, stitch miniature bells or baubles in place on the holly leaves.
You will need * Dressmaker's pattern paper * Main red fabric (we used Melton Grenadier, ref LW106191, £72 a metre, Lewis & Wood) * Red gingham fabric (we used Suffolk Check 3, £15 a metre, Ian Mankin) * Tailor's chalk * Matching thread * Bondaweb (44cm wide, £2.
70 a metre, Cotton Patch) * White felt (from 45p, HobbyCraft; or 65p for an A4 piece, Willow Fabrics) * Contrasting thread for top stitching * Miniature bells or baubles for trimming (we used Rayher 15mm bells, £2.
47 for 10, Creations Art & Craft Materials) Making the stocking Step 1 Use dressmaker's pattern paper to make a stocking pattern to your chosen size, adding 2.
5cm seam allowances all round.
Cut out two stocking pieces in red fabric.
Step 2 Cut a piece of gingham to match the toe section of your cut-out stocking, adding 2.
5cm along the straight edge for turning under.
For the gingham trim at the top of the stocking, take one cut-out stocking piece and measure across the top edge.
Cut a 10cm strip of gingham to twice this measurement minus 5cm.
Step 3 Use tailor's chalk to mark all 2.
5cm seam lines on the right side of one stocking piece.
Take your gingham toe piece, turn under 2.
5cm along the straight edge and press.
Pin, right side up on the right side of your marked stocking.
Top stitch 5mm from the folded edge and then tack along curved edges Step 4 Check the sizes against your chalked stocking, draw an icicle trim and three holly leaf shapes on the paper side of a piece of Bondaweb.
Following manufacturer's instructions, place the Bondaweb, paper side up, on to your felt and press.
Cut out the shapes and check the sizes again against your stocking, making sure that the icicle trim in particular fits neatly between the three chalked seam lines at the top of the stocking.
Trim a little if necessary.
Remove the backing paper and iron the motifs in place on the stocking.
Using a contrasting thread, top stitch all round each leaf, 5mm from the edges, and then stitch in the 'veins' of each leaf (use the picture as a guide).
Step 5 Right sides facing and matching raw edges all round, pin the two stocking pieces together.
Machine stitch, taking a 2.
5cm seam, leaving the top edge open.
Trim seams and snip into the seam allowances around the curved edges to ease the fit.
Press open seam allowances and turn through.
Step 6 Fold the gingham strip in half widthways and stitch a 2.
5cm seam along the short edges to form a ring.
Press seam open and turn through.
Fold in half along the length, matching raw edges and press.
Then turn under 2.
5cm along one long edge and press again.
Repeat along the remaining long raw edge.
Right sides facing and matching raw edges, pin the gingham trim to the top of the stocking, matching the trim seam with one of the stocking seams.
Turn the trim over the raw edge of the stocking and slip stitch in place on the reverse.
To finish, stitch miniature bells or baubles in place on the holly leaves.