Health & Medical Men's Health

Penis Enlarger - Free Training Any Man Can Use More

There is an old saying that says: "If I did something today that made me money, made my penis bigger or helped me gain notoriety, then it's been a good day.
" This is fairly typical of our thoughts as men.
If we can make money we can have nice things.
If we can have a larger penis, we can become better lovers to our partners.
And if we gain influence over our peers, then we gain respect.
Men love to have respect on all levels.
When it comes to the penis issue though, most men feel as though they've been left in the dark to fend for themselves without the right tools.
Most men don't know that it doesn't take surgery to gain size down there.
You don't need some doctor cutting, slicing and manipulating parts of your body just to have two (potentially non-permanent) inches added.
I don't know about you, but if someone approached me on the street and said "Hey, give me ten thousand dollars and I'll give you two inches on your Johnson.
" I would probably deck them.
So why would men want to go into a doctor's office and sign up for such a barbaric method of change? Don't get me wrong, I know there are certain instances where surgery may be the only option.
However, for the vast majority of patients, there hasn't been a legitimate need for surgery other than the patient's ability to pay and the doctor's willingness to take money.
I would argue that most men don't suffer from "Micro-penis".
This is a rare disorder that causes a man's member to remain almost infantile in size relative to their rate of growth.
The man could be thirty but have a penis the same size as a six month old.
Obviously this can lead to quite a bit of frustration and potentially have limiting effects on the ability of that man to have children with his chosen partner.
In the case of this disorder, I could easily understand the need for surgery.
However, in almost all other circumstances, why go through that hassle? You could easily stretch out the fibrous tissue of the penis shaft and experience gains that rival or outdo surgery.
Picture a balloon, if you will.
If you have a fresh balloon that hasn't been stretched out at all, it will only hold so much liquid or air.
Yet, that same balloon, if you warm it up and stretch it out consistently, you can almost double its capacity.
Essentially you can do the same thing with your penis.
It may take a little longer to see the results that it would with a balloon, but the best part is, you can enjoy the results every step of the way as you and your partner try to test out the variations of size increase you've gained.
I think as long as you let your partner know what it is you're doing, you'll be happy you've tried it out.
The stretches you can do are no different that what you would do to stretch out a balloon.
Make sure your body is warmed up and the muscle tissues aren't too tight.
Also make sure any and all exercises you do on your penis are thorough and gentle.
If you do it properly it can even be a little gratifying.
Make sure you don't ejaculate right after doing the exercises, but shortly afterward, a few minutes, is all you should need to wait.
Have fun!
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