Business & Finance Investing & Financial Markets

Investment in Retirement Housing in Germany - A Prosperous Market

What is the difference between sheltered housing, warden assisted housing, retirement housing, extra care, close care, assisted living, retirement villages and retirement communities? Retirement housing is often called sheltered housing or warden assisted housing.
Extra care housing, very sheltered housing, assisted living are terms used to describe a variety of housing designed with the needs of frailer older people in mind.
These schemes have varying levels of care/support on site including a dining room, personal and domestic services and 24 hour support.
Due to the population development in Germany the proportion of retired people is constantly growing.
It is a market segment of growing importance in all business sectors from medicine and consumer goods and housing of course.
There are government financed subsidies for the client based on the level of care needed which allow a secure calculation of revenues.
Best positioned are properties with a flexible offer where the service expands along the growing support needs with increasing age.
According to the latest IKB Property Barometer (IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG) the 2007 - 2008 view on this property type is still positive amongst property developers.
The rent/price factor was around 15 fold, the traded volume in 2007 was about EUR 1 billion.
Opportunities: - Growing demand due to demographic and medical development - Shortage in suitable housing (door width, special bathroom design etc.
) - Change in social structure with smaller households and fewer options for home care - Pressure on hospitals to dismiss patients earlier - Many service providers to choose from in a growing market - Low vacancy rates due to waiting lists - Standardised service benchmarking and pricing according to target markets Risks: - Changes in state financed care subsidy payments - Specific needs of the location and existing or expected competition - Technical status of the building and care specific installations The risks either concern the entire market like possible changes in subsidy payments and thus will not disturb the competitive position or are manageable through a due diligence before the purchase.
An example of such a retirement housing property is Max Steenbeck Str.
in Jena (Thuringia) which has serviced apartments with individual contracts.
The service provider is one of the commercial tenants with 24 hr.
availability on site.
Also services providers like a physiotherapy practice are tenants in the property.
To request detailed information about this and other investment properties in Germany please visit the Properties in Germany site below.
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