- 1). Call 866-211-6284 for air quality and smoke complaints. You will want to be ready to provide as much detailed information as possible. The Department of Ecology will ask for your name and phone number to call you back if more information is needed. Your complaint, though, can be filed anonymously.
- 2). Make a complaint about someone littering by calling 866-548-8371. Report the litterer's license plate number, where the littering happened and at what time of day. Describe as best you can the type of litter discarded and who in the vehicle actually did the littering.
- 3). Call two numbers if you are reporting a spill of hazardous material or pollutants into Washington waterways. The state's emergency management system number is 800-258-5990. The National Response Center is at 800-424-8802. If you caused the spill you are required by law to report it. If you didn't cause it, you may voluntarily report it even if you do not know who is responsible.
- 4). Contact your regional office to report any environmental complaint. Visit the Department of Ecology's website (ecy.wa.gov/reportenviroproblem.html) for a list of regional hotlines, as well as online forms you can use to report nonemergency complaints.