If you want to know how to lose fat in the shortest time possible, you have certainly come to the right place. This technique will allow you to get rid of those unwanted inches and have a lean, mean, sexy body in no time. In fact, this technique will give almost anyone rock hard abs or a six pack in as little as three or four months.
When talking about how to lose fat and not weight, we need to talk about diet. You will have to cut out as much, if not all of your sugar, carbohydrate, and calorie intake. This includes drinking only water, no pasta, no breads, no snacks, no candy, and only eating foods that will nourish the body but not add fat to it.
You should only eat vegetables and fruits, preferably as raw as possible. If you cook them, it should only be slightly cooked. You can also include meat in your diet. The better you get at eating this type of diet, the closer you will be to your desired size.
The next part of this process is exercise. You need to do at least one and a half to two hours a day of cardiovascular exercise. Something that will get your heart rate up and keep it up. Running, riding bike, jumping rope, and swimming are some wonderful options.
The diet above will allow you to lose fat and not weight. It puts food into your body that doesn't add fat but gives the body what it needs to survive. The exercise above allows the body to burn what it has already stored as energy instead of the food you are taking into your body. This is by far the quickest and easiest way to lose fat not weight.
When talking about how to lose fat and not weight, we need to talk about diet. You will have to cut out as much, if not all of your sugar, carbohydrate, and calorie intake. This includes drinking only water, no pasta, no breads, no snacks, no candy, and only eating foods that will nourish the body but not add fat to it.
You should only eat vegetables and fruits, preferably as raw as possible. If you cook them, it should only be slightly cooked. You can also include meat in your diet. The better you get at eating this type of diet, the closer you will be to your desired size.
The next part of this process is exercise. You need to do at least one and a half to two hours a day of cardiovascular exercise. Something that will get your heart rate up and keep it up. Running, riding bike, jumping rope, and swimming are some wonderful options.
The diet above will allow you to lose fat and not weight. It puts food into your body that doesn't add fat but gives the body what it needs to survive. The exercise above allows the body to burn what it has already stored as energy instead of the food you are taking into your body. This is by far the quickest and easiest way to lose fat not weight.