- High deductible health plans are a viable option for many people.pillen image by Thomas Aumann from Fotolia.com
High deductible health plans (HDHPs) often elicit a scowl from the general public because these insurance policies carry lower premiums but higher deductibles than more traditional plans. However, this option can provide a myriad of benefits for those looking to save money and manage their own health. - A high deductible health plan could mean more money in the bank.brown ceramic pig-money-box image by Maria Brzostowska from Fotolia.com
The most obvious and immediate benefit of a high deductible health plan is the lower premium. As economic conditions tighten, consumers continually look for ways to shave costs from their budget. After paring back discretionary spending such as cable channels and dinners out, many are left at a standstill. Choosing a high deductible health plan can save hundreds for those who use health insurance sparingly. - Many high deductible health plans cover routine physicals.stethescope image by Jeffrey Zalesny from Fotolia.com
Many high deductible health plans cover routine preventive care visits at low or no cost to the policyholder. Some plans may require a nominal co-pay for preventive care. Some high deductible health plans even offer to cover a percentage of the costs for preventive initiatives such as weight loss and smoking cessation programs. - Health savings accounts allow tax-free savings to pay medical costs.tax forms image by Chad McDermott from Fotolia.com
Many employers offer health savings accounts (HSAs) to employees enrolled in high deductible health plans. Individuals can set aside pretax earnings in health savings accounts to pay for medical expenses. These accounts roll over into each new plan year, so participants don't have to scramble to spend the money as they would in a "use it or lose it" scenario with traditional health care reimbursement accounts. HSA funds accrue interest and can be allocated toward retirement. - The greatest benefit from a high deductible health plan materializes in a catastrophic health event. Patient liability is limited to the deductible and any specified coinsurance rate.
Lower Premiums
Preventive Care Allowances
Tax Advantages
Catastrophic Coverage