Business & Finance mortgage

Loan Modification VS Total Mortgage Reset

Loan Modification VS Total Mortgage Reset
Loan Modification With Loan Modification Firm

•Lenders have mastered the Pretend and Extend game prolonging the outcome for months and months for seemingly no reason
•Any loan modification will almost always be done according to the lenders best interest
•Principal reductions are extremely rare with loan modifications
•Lender will require homeowner to defend and disclose every aspect of their financial life
•Even with a successful modification a majority of homeowners will still be upside down (owe more than properties value)
•The proof of financial hardship is an absolute necessity with any loan modification
•In most cases a loan modification will lower your mortgage payment for the agreed upon fee and nothing more
•If the lender's workout offer does not truly help the homeowner, the loan modification is all but dead
•Throughout the process to obtain a loan modification the homeowner is at the lender's mercy
•Modifications typically take 6-8 months or more
•Arrearages may or may not be eliminated (in most cases they are moved to the back of the loan)

Total Mortgage Reset With Homeowner Protection Group

•By law, lenders must respond and work on a resolution within 60-90 days
•The threat of litigation will result in much more favorable outcomes for the homeowner
•HPG guarantees a minimum 10% principal reduction on accepted cases or 100% of fees will be returned

•Lenders are required to defend their business practices; giving the homeowner the upper hand
•HPG negotiates principal balance in such a way so that the overwhelming majority of clients who are currently upside down will have a new loan balance that is equal to or below appraised value
•Financial hardship does not necessarily need to exist
•HPG will negotiate rate, term, and principal balance of the homeowner's mortgage and in addition (through business partnerships) will address and repair homeowner's credit, negotiate unsecured debt, help increase the homeowners chances of finding work through career training (if needed), (this is called The Full Circle Package) and much more (including the possibility of claim damage awards paid to the homeowner!) for one flat fee
•If a stale mate is reached HPG's investors will make a cash offer to the lender to buy out the note, or a qualified member of the attorney network will take the lender to court to prosecute found violations at no additional cost to the homeowner beyond filing fees
•When violations are found, the homeowner is in the position of power
•A majority of HPG's cases will be resolved in as little as 60-90 days
•Arrearages are completely eliminated in addition to a guaranteed minimum 10% principal reduction
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