Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Natural Hair Loss Remedies - They Really Work

The reasons for hair fall may be many, ranging from a poor diet, to stress, to a genetic predisposition towards hair loss. There are natural remedies that one can use at home in order to address this problem. One however needs to choose the one they are most comfortable with.

1. One of the best natural hair loss remedies is to mix together almond oil and olive oil in equal parts. Add a few drops of lemon to this mixture, and apply it on your scalp thoroughly. If possible, lightly wrap your hair with a clean cloth or a shower cap, and allow the oil mixture to be absorbed by your scalp. Wash it off with a mild shampoo the next morning. Use this hair pack for hair fall at least twice a week.

2. Aloe vera has long been used by natives of the Caribbean as well as Indians and Native Americans to prevent hair loss and to produce healthy hair. The gel-like substance inside the aloe vera plant is applied to the scalp. This balances pH levels and cleanses pores. Combine the aloe vera gel with coconut milk and wheat germ oil and use this as a shampoo to further enhance hair growth and health.

3. For mild cases of hair loss, massage of the scalp is one way of stopping the problem. This is effective because, massaging will help stimulate the flow of blood to the hair follicles. This in turn results in the growth of hair. Use of essential oils to massage the scalp is also advised. The oils also help in stimulating the scalp. Bay, jojoba and lavender are examples of these oils. In cases where hair loss is caused by hormonal imbalances, using herbs can help remedy this. This is done using herbs that contain estrogen. Saw palmetto is an excellent example as it blocks the formation of the type of testosterone that causes hair loss.

4. We live in a fast-paced society where everything occurs at a rapid rate to include the food we eat. As a result, we often neglect consuming the appropriate amount of vitamins and minerals that we so desperately need. One of the areas that is affected most is our hair growth and maintenance. Vitamin A is important in the maintenance and development of hair moisture, without this we'll lose hair. Of course, you would be better off eating a steady diet of carrots on a daily basis but few of us remember to do so and as a result we should take a daily vitamin supplement that includes this vitamin as well as vitamins B, vitamin D, vitamin E as well as folic acid.

5. Fenugreek seeds are another great natural ingredient that help in stopping hair fall. Soak a tablespoon in water overnight. The next morning, make a paste of these seeds soaked in water. Apply this paste on your scalp, and allow it to remain for about 30 minutes to 1 hour. Rinse it off with a mild shampoo. Use this remedy for hair loss thrice a week. This is a great hair pack for dandruff which is one of the most common causes of hair fall.

6. The saw palmetto plant has properties in it that reportedly block the male hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone), which causes hair loss. If you can successfully block DHT, this will help battle hair loss and your focus can be on keeping the hair that you have rather than worrying about regrowing hair that you have lost. Ask your physician about saw palmetto. It is available in liquid extract, tea, capsules and tablets.

7. This wonderful herb includes vitamin A and vitamin C. There are also other minerals that are essential to our proper hair health and these can be found as well in nettle root extract.
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