There are some people that love to clean their houses, in fact there are some people who are obsessive about it.
Whilst we all probably know one or two of those people we probably know a lot more of the majority of people who hate cleaning.
There are 3 options open to you if you fall into this latter category of people.
Firstly, you can pay someone else to come and regularly clean your house but many people simply cannot afford this option.
The second option is to get on and grit your teeth and just get it done but hate every minute of it.
The final option is to find some way to make doing the cleaning yourself more enjoyable.
Here are 3 good ways to make this menial task a lot more enjoyable: 1.
Music - why not set some time aside for cleaning that is the same amount of time as one or two of your favorite or new albums and then stick them on full blast to accompany your cleaning.
I defy you not to enjoy the cleaning time at least to some degree when you have some quality music as the soundtrack to your dusting and scrubbing.
A portable music system is best so you can take it around the house with you so the music is loud and clear in every room you clean.
Friends & Family - it might not be your idea of a great date or a wonderful family day but why not get someone else involved to help you.
This will first give you some company which could cheer you up but will also mean the cleaning will get done much quicker.
You can agree on what music to play and have a sing a long between you to help with the tedium of the chores.
Rewards - we can fool ourselves into doing things and them seeming more worthwhile and easy to do if we give ourselves a reward once we've finished them.
Maybe we buy our favorite chocolate and put it in the fridge before we start our cleaning session and then dig it out to eat when the house is all sparkly and smelling fresh.
Or get a good film to watch in the newly cleaned living room.
I'm sure there are other rewards you can think of to help with getting this boring task done.
A bit of creativity is all that's needed.
You never know, you may even end up looking forward to doing the cleaning!
Whilst we all probably know one or two of those people we probably know a lot more of the majority of people who hate cleaning.
There are 3 options open to you if you fall into this latter category of people.
Firstly, you can pay someone else to come and regularly clean your house but many people simply cannot afford this option.
The second option is to get on and grit your teeth and just get it done but hate every minute of it.
The final option is to find some way to make doing the cleaning yourself more enjoyable.
Here are 3 good ways to make this menial task a lot more enjoyable: 1.
Music - why not set some time aside for cleaning that is the same amount of time as one or two of your favorite or new albums and then stick them on full blast to accompany your cleaning.
I defy you not to enjoy the cleaning time at least to some degree when you have some quality music as the soundtrack to your dusting and scrubbing.
A portable music system is best so you can take it around the house with you so the music is loud and clear in every room you clean.
Friends & Family - it might not be your idea of a great date or a wonderful family day but why not get someone else involved to help you.
This will first give you some company which could cheer you up but will also mean the cleaning will get done much quicker.
You can agree on what music to play and have a sing a long between you to help with the tedium of the chores.
Rewards - we can fool ourselves into doing things and them seeming more worthwhile and easy to do if we give ourselves a reward once we've finished them.
Maybe we buy our favorite chocolate and put it in the fridge before we start our cleaning session and then dig it out to eat when the house is all sparkly and smelling fresh.
Or get a good film to watch in the newly cleaned living room.
I'm sure there are other rewards you can think of to help with getting this boring task done.
A bit of creativity is all that's needed.
You never know, you may even end up looking forward to doing the cleaning!