I've been doing business on the Internet for about 12 years now and I've seen the amount of information on how to make money online grow to staggering amounts. Everywhere you look there is some "guru" of this or that trying to peddle ebooks, seminars, software, and other doodads. It's absolutely mind-boggling.
There's so much information that confusion has set in. In the old days we cried for information, because we thought it would make us informed and wise. However, with the barrage of good information comes even more bad information. The end result is a world of confusion--especially for those trying to figure out how to make money on the Internet.
There's a common state of being among people trying to make money on the Internet now. It's a state of do nothingness. I've run across plenty of people who started out researching how to make money on the Internet--like through buying ebooks--and lost months of their life. Time flew past them and they didn't actually build anything. Rather, they just kept reading and hoping from one "guru" to the next.
That state of being is really the topic of this article. It's extremely easy, given all the information out there, to get in a cycle of chasing down how to make money on the Internet while not building anything. Here's a free tip. You can't make money if you haven't built anything--service, website, ebook, whatever.
The Internet is just like the real world. Money can be made and people are making money every second of every day. Don't waste your time glorifying what other people make. Get some facts together and start testing. The Internet is full of self-touting people who show off checks they have made. Here's the bottom line. It doesn't matter what they are making--unless they are giving you a cut.
There are billions of dollars being made through the Internet each year. Stop asking if people are making money and start building up your own business. Good luck.
There's so much information that confusion has set in. In the old days we cried for information, because we thought it would make us informed and wise. However, with the barrage of good information comes even more bad information. The end result is a world of confusion--especially for those trying to figure out how to make money on the Internet.
There's a common state of being among people trying to make money on the Internet now. It's a state of do nothingness. I've run across plenty of people who started out researching how to make money on the Internet--like through buying ebooks--and lost months of their life. Time flew past them and they didn't actually build anything. Rather, they just kept reading and hoping from one "guru" to the next.
That state of being is really the topic of this article. It's extremely easy, given all the information out there, to get in a cycle of chasing down how to make money on the Internet while not building anything. Here's a free tip. You can't make money if you haven't built anything--service, website, ebook, whatever.
The Internet is just like the real world. Money can be made and people are making money every second of every day. Don't waste your time glorifying what other people make. Get some facts together and start testing. The Internet is full of self-touting people who show off checks they have made. Here's the bottom line. It doesn't matter what they are making--unless they are giving you a cut.
There are billions of dollars being made through the Internet each year. Stop asking if people are making money and start building up your own business. Good luck.